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Advert / Stock 26/02/2023


Welcome to “Advert / Stock 26/02/2023” by weekly update on the stock available, and the links to get you filtered on the types of models you are interested in.

Model Kits Ltd is a UK based small independent retailer.

I started the company with a single aim. To try and help get models / kits into the hands of UK builders so that they can enjoy their hobby.

I have a range of HG/RG/MG kits such as the MG Astray Red Frame available here…/mg-gundam-astray-red…/

MG Astray

I also have a stock of the GUNPRIMER Balancers and some of the other GUNPRIMER products, as well as a supply of reasonably priced basic bases.

If you are thinking about picking up something new, or just want to have a browse for some inspiration please consider us as an option.

I am continuing to increase the breadth of stock available in the shop as items become available; including, but not limited to, adding an MGEX Strike Freedom when the box arrives. I had 3 but 2 have already been accounted for.

Thank you everyone for your support so far, and I hope you have a great week building!

The links to individual sections / filtered list items are below.

HG Kits

RG Kits

MG Kits

SD Kits

EG Kits

FM Kits…

PG Kits



Thank you for your support, and for getting to the end of “Advert / Stock 26/02/2023”!

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Company Culture – A day in the life of



So I thought I would do a “Company Culture – A day in the life of” to give people a flavour of what it is like running a small business.

As you may, or may not know, I am running this alongside my day job. That means I have to balance everything to keep things moving nicely.

06:30 AM

So the day normally starts at 06:30 AM. I get up and get logged on for the day job. I am fortunate enough to be able to work remotely and flexibly so that works wonders.

07:00 AM

If I have anything that needs posting I log out on my time sheet from the main job and take packages to the Yodel drop off point.

07:30 AM

Log back in to the day job and carry on working.

12:00 PM

Lunchtime! Grab some food and reply to emails. Check to see whether anything has updated on Yodel. I like to keep an eye to be able to chase up if there are any issues. I will reply to any emails from my sales rep, or anyone else. This pretty much takes me through my lunch!


Log off the day job. Log on to the website admin. If there are any orders go to my storage, and pack them. If I get them prior to 10:00 then I can normally get them to the Yodel drop off point before they close. Anything after then cycles round to the next morning.

The whole process however consists of:

  • Print off all orders
  • Go to the storage
  • Pick the relevant items
  • Make the relevant boxes and pack the items
  • Weigh everything
  • Purchase the Yodel postage (needs the box size and weight)
  • Print the postage label(s)
  • Attach the invoice(s) and postage label(s) to the box(es)
  • Drop off at Yodel drop off point

I will also check and update the relevant financial information. For the book keeping I need to:

  • Download a PDF of the Yodel Invoice
  • Attach the Yodel invoice to the relevant financial transaction
  • Download the sale invoice
  • Amend the VAT on the inbound funds (as they have the transaction fee taken off so the actual VAT needs to change to reflect what is on the invoice)
  • Attach the sale invoice to the relevant financial transaction

During this time I will also check the stock, check if there are any new items coming in. Work my way through the relevant industry news, and check out the various social pages. Once I have done that, if not already sorted I’ll setup my blog post for the following day.

All of the above can take me up to 21:00 – 22:00 depending on everything that is going on. Also depending on the day of the week I may also have to pop out to pick up various family members from work etc. After all this I will try and either watch some Anime or work on one of my builds or other projects.


As you can see it is all glamour! However worth every second spent on it. I am still loving running the business and want to keep working at it to see it succeed. My hope, is that is grows to the point where it is generating business tax that I can then donate to local charities. My personal preference being the local food bank. That all pretty much sums up “Company Culture – A day in the life of”.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Small Business Frustrations

Tired man

Ok let me just preface this with the fact I don’t want this to be a whiny oh poor me post. It is not about that. This is more a lessons learnt.

I said in an earlier post that I originally didn’t understand why people would setup business after business after business. After just a few months I already had a better understanding of why that was. After a few more months I think I stand behind my newer view. That is that when you setup a business you learn so much, you discover things you just would never have thought of, and find innovative ways to deal with these hurdles. That means that as you setup the next business you already have a wealth of knowledge to pull on and pitfalls to avoid. Each business you have a bigger wealth of knowledge to pull on. Hopefully each iteration you apply the lessons you learnt and things improve.

So what are my frustrations?


First on the list I think has to be stock. I naïvely thought that the issue with lack of stock was purely a lack of focus. However other issues (like the pre-order stuff I wrote about here) and breadth of stock also play a focus. To get consistent sales across the months requires having ALL the right items in at the right time at the right price point. With there being literally thousands of different models just in the GunPla range alone that is always going to be a tall order.

This also feeds into the Catch 22 situation below. However, I have always planned on this being a multi-year endeavour to bring the company up to speed. I always expected things to be slow, so I just need to stick to my plan and keep working on growing.

Catch 22

We (retailers in the UK) also find ourselves in a catch 22 solution. Individuals can import a product directly from Japan and so place their orders there. There will be two reasons for this. Price and availability. Of them I believe availability is the real big issue. With Japan having a far more consistent supply of models than the UK it is often easier for people to purchase from Japan. This means there are less sales in the UK leading to a lower “UK” demand, this leads into less models coming in. In essence it becomes a catch 22. Retailers need customers to buy from them, but the customers can’t find what they are looking for.

Price, although I don’t think this is as high an issue, it is still an issue. Looking at the costs of everything you can understand why. For example an individual importing a model or two or three or five, is likely to avoid any taxation. Retailers do not have that luxury, you are going to be adding 20% on for VAT no matter which way you turn it. When you break down all the costs, and the fact that retailers end up having to sit on a large stockpile of stock, it makes it more challenging when losing out sales to overseas.

Note none of that is the customers fault, or problem. I expect people to buy the models they want, from where they can get it from. One of the corner stones of the business is to provide more access to more models in the UK. I want to help ease that supply issue, and hopefully give people more of a reason to purchase from the UK again.


I know I have written about this before. I totally underestimated the space I required for storage. It has forced me to come up with ideas for storage. This led to a lot of investigations and research into storage options. This investigative work is exactly what feeds into that pool of knowledge moving forwards.


This is a more recent issue that I have found. My most current shipment should have been with me on the 30th of December. I have items that I know people want, but I can’t fulfil that yet as I am literally waiting on the boxes to be released. I paid the duty/tax import feels within an hour of receiving the email letting me know they were due. Issues like this are outside of our control. For a smaller business watching people sell products you know you have sitting in a warehouse somewhere but unable to reach, is exceptionally disheartening. I could list them on the site now, but that goes against my more ethos of being able to put my hand on it and post is out as soon as possible so that isn’t something I feel I can do.

For this all I can do is accept that this happens. I have no real control over the shipping company used by the supplier. Or rather I can use their supplier for free, or I can pay for my own which would obviously raise the overheads and ultimately what the models would have to be sold for.


I will be honest. I always knew this would be a tricky thing. Reading all the information the VAT side of things was fairly clear. However, when it comes to corporation tax, and filing etc. I have literally no idea. Even after reading as much as I can I was still left with lots of questions. This is less a frustration and more a lesson learnt.

Rather than risk getting things wrong I have erred on the side of caution. I have signed up to get the accounts professionally done and filed. This, I think, should probably be on everyone’s list. If you create a LTD company then definitely consider commissioning an accountancy company to help with this side of things.


There will, in all business, be challenges, and unforeseen hurdles. However, all we can do is address them one at a time when they occur. I think I would like to finish on a high note though. The thing that keeps me going are the people, the community, and the support. The people I am meeting, the conversations, the support, are second to none. The Gundam/Gunpla modellers are, without a shadow of a doubt, some of the most helpful and interesting people I have ever had the privilege to engage with. So I am, and always will be, grateful for that.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Guess the Model Part 6 – Final Core Parts

In this series I have building another of my backlog items, and posting up the bits as they come together. If you want to work through from the beginning then you can find the first post here. In this post I’ll be putting together the final core parts.

The rules to the game are pretty simple. I have to build the model in the order that the manual has. That means no deliberately building obscure items first. I am also trying to ensure I post pictures of the parts as they have come off the sprue/runner as well, that way you can see the bits that make it all up.

Here are the final core parts images.

And there we have it. As you can see he is the MG Heavy Arms. An absolute beast of a model, and a very eye opening build. I do still need to put together the weapons which I am hoping to get done over Christmas.

Now to decide whether to do the decals and panel lining on him! Thank you everyone for coming on this journey with me!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Latest Stock is on the way!

I am super happy to say that the latest stock has reached the European distributors. I have sorted my invoice and should have some new stock coming in very soon!

The likelihood of getting things in before Christmas is slim to none. However, it is a great way to look at starting the new year!

So, I am sure that you are wondering what sort of things are coming in this next batch.

Top of the list has to be the PG Gundam Unicorn RX-0 1/60

PG Unicorn
PG Unicorn

I can’t wait to get this, and to see the size of the box when it arrives! I’m guessing this may be quite a large one!

Next up on my list of what is coming in is the HGUC Gundam Unic Full Arm Dest Red 1/144

Unicorn Full Armour
Unicorn Full Armour

I am also re-stocking up on some of the EG models as well as those seem to be in high demand so I want to make sure I keep them around in case anyone wants them.

With me being a new business I can’t afford to buy everything I would like! Some of the kits coming in I will only have 1 or 2 of so if you are interested you may need to get in there quick to snag one!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Guess the model Part X

Good morning, afternoon or whenever you read this and welcome to Guess the model Part X! Today was going to be a post in the series of guess the model. I was intending on building, and photographing the legs, or at least one. However, life has conspired against me! This is what has led to the Part X title.

So a little background. My lovely Basset hounds are both getting on in age. They have both, unfortunately as they got older become liable to seizures. This can happen with the breed and in itself isn’t the end of the world. However, the most recent to go onto his meds has unfortunately also developed a Scooby Doo esque style of the munchies. This morning my wife woke me to the fact he had chewed and eaten the top part of a plastic milk carton.

So while she rang the vets I diligently searched for “bits” he may have chewed but not eaten. The vets being wonderful are seeing him pretty much straight away. I managed to find some bits of carton not eaten, but also some parts of a soft cheese container that had also formed part of this 2 course meal. Note I found the parts in the dog bed in the conservatory which is where he goes to nom things he knows he shouldn’t!

This is the culprit the other day while we were watching tv:


Ok so vets lined up, dog in boot what could go wrong … oh the car wouldn’t start dead battery 🙁 So a quick call to the vets to let them know we are running late. A call to my dad requesting a wife and dog lift to the vets, and then on to dig out the battery charger.

The ONLY thing that went right in that scenario is I actually knew where the battery charger is!

I now have a cup of tea and am awaiting what I am sure will be an eye watering bill to make sure el wonky tooth there is ok.

So … that and the fact that Sunday night to Monday morning I had a 12 hour nose bleed … yes you read that right 12 hours! I am, unfortunately a little behind on where I planned to be. I shall do my best to catch up and get back ahead of the game! In the meantime though I’ll need to put in some less expansive posts 🙂

Take care everyone and I will catch up as quickly as I can!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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The Witch From Mercury – Dilanza


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The fifth suit I felt I should cover is the Dilanza. In the Witch from Mercury this suit is manufactured by the Jeturk company.

Using the parts supplied you can build this suit in one of two configurations. The standard type. or the Character A type. I believe the different versions relate to the version of the suit used by two different characters in the show (Lauda, and Guel).


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently March 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

I make no bones about it, I am a fan of the chunky suits. There is something about the presence of this. Looking at the images it has a solid presence, with the details in the legs and torso being solidly defined and having amazing character. The feet on this model also look distinctive. To me, they look slightly like cows hooves, I don’t know if that is deliberate or just me. Again, personally, I am more a fan of the “Character A build style on this. However they both have their pros and cons. Ultimately it would depend on personal preference.


I would really enjoy building this model. I think there would be a great level of satisfaction. Also looking at it I feel that it would be a great model to paint. I look forward to this model being in the wild in the UK and more available.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Model Building – Nubs


In this piece I will go over the basics of what to do once you have got the parts off the sprue. Note this is very basic and very much from my point of view. I am totally open to any feedback and suggestions that people may have on either improving this technique or any other techniques.

What is a nub?

I think that is a valid question, so thank you for asking! If you are new to the hobby or to model building in general a nub is a small piece of plastic/resin/material that is left attached to the part, after you have cut it free from the runner/sprue. So for example if you have a look at the following image:

Bazooka with Nub
Bazooka with Nub

The above image is the MS-06F ZAKU II bazooka. As you can see near the end there is a piece piece jutting out from the main barrel of the weapon. Generally speaking to remove the part from the runner you would make a cut in the piece connecting the part to the runner but not to close to the part. This should minimise plastic stress. You then trim this with either a second cut, and/or trim with a hobby knife. Finally you can optionally file with some form of sandpaper or sanding stick (like these in our store).

Post sanding

After the clean-up the art will look similar to this:

Bazooka Cleaned Nub 1
Bazooka Cleaned Nub 1

After I had done my first round of cleaning up the nub there was a small dark patch. I wasn’t happy with this so I went in for a second round of sanding. I tend to use a combination of 600 grit sandpaper and 2500 grit sandpaper, predominantly because I already had it to hand. After the second clean-up the bazooka was looking like this:

Bazooka Cleaned Nub 2
Bazooka Cleaned Nub 2

Now the dark spot on the end was nicely cleaned away. However the beautiful sheen the rest of the Bazooka has was removed. At this point I decided to give it a VERY basic paint job.


I am fortunate enough to have an airbrush that I keep to hand. So I gave it a quick undercoat of Vallejo Mecha Grey Primer. I then gave it a quick cover with Vallejo Mecha Gunmetal. I then covered the dips and pieces with some Vallejo Mecha Black Wash. Once this was done it looked like this … (yes very messy but I was speeding through it).

I then worked over it doing a dry brush of the gunmetal again to clean up the over spill.


After all of this work my “nub” spot now looks like this:

Bazooka Post Cleanup
Bazooka Post Clean-up

All told I am very happy with the end result! It now looks smooth and seamless and clean. I would like to do another and distress it, add chipping and soot and mud and dirt etc. However, for now I am very happy with the end result.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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New Stock – 03/12/2022

Due to my awesome sales rep keeping an eye out for me, I have managed to snag a few extra items. This new stock has now been listed on the site and is available immediately.

First up is the HG Brady Phantom 1/72.


This is a great looking model. Why not check it out here on the store for even more pictures!

Next up is the HGUX Guncannon RX-77-2 Revive 1/144.


I have a soft spot for this model. I originally didn’t really like it, but something about it has really grown on me over time. You can check it out, along with the other images here.

Following that we have the Gundam RX-178 MK II Titans 1/144 model.


I love the style on this model and the details on the feet and legs specifically. You can check out some more images of the model in the store here.

Next up on the list of extra models I managed to get hold of is the HGUC Silver Bullet 1/144.


This is another fantastic model. Again the shield legs and torso details all combine to make this a unique looking model. I really like the overall aesthetic of this model. You can find more pictures of this over on the store here.

Finally I also managed to bag an extra couple of MG Gundam Shining 1/100 kits.


For the price point this is an amazing kit. It is an older one, and a couple of the joints have screws to help them tighten. However, from all the reviews I’ve read that doesn’t seem to detract from the build, or the overall model. I think it looks pretty fantastic! You can find that in the store here.

I am hoping that the next Bandai shipment to my supplier will have even more of the new stock that I have on back order. I will keep everyone updated!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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The Witch From Mercury


The Witch from Mercury is the latest show from Sunrise. Sunrise are a company who make Japanese anime, and are also a subsidiary of Namco Bandai. The production of The Witch from Mercury has been designed with a lot of care to cater to all of the markets the brand now appeals to.

Having not released a mainstream TV show for 7 years, the Witch From Mercury is a beautifully put together piece of entertainment. Interestingly it is the first show to have a female character as the main protagonist.

The Witch From Mercury main promotional image
The Witch From Mercury


For those of us outside of Japan the show has, thankfully, been picked up by crunchyroll. With the episodes released weekly, it is a welcome break from the binge watching box sets we have all gotten used to. I find that with the weekly release schedule there is time for viewers to digest the show, discuss the episodes, with everyone in the same point in the journey.

It should be noted that if you like anime and haven’t checked out crunchyroll you really should, they have a fantastic catalogue of shows to watch.

Where it excels

I think what I am enjoying the most about this show are the various layers that there are too it. Firstly there are regular battles with large mecha suits. Secondly are the political wranglings of the various business factions. Thirdly are the interpersonal interactions of the characters (young and old). Finally are the tensions caused by differing political views.

What I love above all else is that no one theme feels forced or overpowering. They are all, so far, nicely blended together providing a show that you can watch and discuss, or just watch and go .. ooo big mecha suits. You can enjoy and engage with it at whichever level you want to.


In conclusion, I would say if you haven’t watched it, and you like this genre then it really is worth checking out. So far it has been an absolute joy.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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