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Entry Grade Models


I thought with the new stock hopefully coming soon that I would look a little closer at the Entry Grade models. In particular one of the models I am getting back in stock is the Gundam Nu 1/144 Entry Grade model.

If you haven’t seen it before it looks like this


As you can see this is quite a stunning model. I like it for the relative simplicity, as well as how it stays true to the original style of the models. It is very reminiscent of the early Gundam suits that are seen in the shows. However, they have changed enough features in there to give it a unique look and feel. I also love the shape and look of the shield which I think looks amazing with this model.

Why do people get them?

From speaking to people, and reading the various message groups there seem to be a few reasons that people get these models. I find that some people want them as a quick easy build to do before some of the more intense bigger builds that they work on. They can start and finish the build quickly and get that sense of satisfaction from a job well done.

I also think that many people look to these models so that they can use them as a cheap and easy way to do customisations. The models are quick to build, and the customiser can get down to business a lot quicker, and if their experimentations go awry then no real harm is done.


Whatever the reasons I find that the Entry Grade models remain popular with all modelers. So I have a few of these coming into stock in case people want them.

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#gundam #gundammodel #model #kit #gunpla

1 thought on “Entry Grade Models

  1. […] I covered yesterday (here) the Entry Grade models seem to have a popularity all of their own. Today I wanted to look at the […]

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