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07/05/2023 Quick Update

Moderoid 8


Welcome to “07/05/2023 Quick Update”. I am really sorry I haven’t been updating more regularly! I will try and get a lot more model kit information up over the coming weeks! The last few weeks have been busy to say the least!


Well there are a few things to update on stock. I have for starters got some of the Witch from Mercury kits in stock. Starting with these beauties!

On top of what I currently have in I will also be getting a fresh supply of MGSD Freedom models. If you are interested in those then let me know as they seem to shift fast and I can put it aside for you.

It is also worth noting that although stock is low on the Beguir-Pente and Michaelis I am due an fresh shipment of them on Tuesday.

Delpi Decals

You may, or may not be aware, but I also stock Delpi Decals. I have a selection in stock, and I have just put in an order for a load more. If you want to pick up some custom decal sheets then have a look here.


I have also picked up a couple of Moderoid models. I have put in orders for some more, just to give people a slightly different selection from the standard. For those I have these three currently.


So stock wise I am continuing to grow the selection in stock and to try and make sure people get what they want at reasonable prices. That pretty much concludes “07/05/2023 Quick Update”. All that is left is for me to thank everyone for their support, and to wish you all a great week.

HG Kits

RG Kits

MG Kits

SD Kits

EG Kits

FM Kits

PG Kits





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23/04/2023 Quick Update


Welcome to “23/04/2023 Quick Update”!

I haven’t posted in a while and I apologise for that! However, I am going to try and get back on that posting horse!

You may well be wondering what has been happening that has kept me so busy! Well for starters I have made the Delpi Decals live on the site. You can find them in their own category and they are available here They are a fantastic way to bring your models up to another level. Everything that is listed is in stock, in the UK and ready to post to you.

I decided to send the decals as 1st class in a board backed envelope via royal mail. However if you purchase them at the same time as a kit the normal Yodel shipping will apply. I tend to place the decals in one of the boxes as that helps to protect them in transit if they are purchased alongside with something else.

Following feedback I also added the word “Decal” to all the titles to help them stand out from the model kits 🙂

If you have a look and can’t find what you are looking for then have a look at the Delpi site, you can find it here:

If you find what you want in stock there then just let me know and I can look to add it into my next order. My plan is to continue to grow the stock of decals available within the UK.

That completes this “23/04/2023 Quick Update” post.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Model Stands



Once you have spent all that time building your model(s) then people often want to display them. The options range from standing them up, to full on dioramas. Obviously some of it all comes down to how much time you want to spend on the display. However, if you want cheap, but effective the stands I have in stock may just be right for you!

Why would I want a stand?

Well to put it simple, it increases the number of poses for your model. That allows you to get even more out of the model you built. You can have them posed as jumping, or mid flight or all sorts when adding a stand in to the mix.


One of my friends and customers very kindly allowed me to use the following images from their collection:

As you can see the use of space has been maximised by attaching the bases to the wall allowing the models to float in mid air. This provides an excellent example of how ingenuity and these cheap stands can provide a great way to display your models.

Where can I get these wonderful stands?

Well I am very glad you asked me about that! I happen to have these very models in stock over at the shop here! Reasonably prices, and as you can see from the photos, they offer great options.


There are plenty of ways to display your models. There are no right, or wrong ways to do it. If you are having fun, and you like how they look then that is right.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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General Update 09/04/2022



“General Update 09/04/2022” is a quick opportunity to catch everyone up on where I, and the shop, are at the moment.

Hours in the Day

As the title says, I sometimes find myself wishing that a day was 48 hours, or I could make 48 hours. After managing to get the PG models I had in, packaged and sent, I then got the rest of that box onto the site. Over the last week or so I also managed to get the rest of the models on the site.

I have now managed to get a nice (and slowly growing) selection of Master Grade models on the store, as well as a growing selection of The Witch From Mercury models as well.

Delpi Decals

I am starting to work through the list of people who had pre-ordered the Delpi Decals with me. Once that is done I will add everything else to the site for general availability. If you can’t find what you are looking for in the Decals when I release them please have a look at and let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to order in.


As well as all the other items I have also been sorting out some technical items. I have been trying to make keeping all the data I have on stock organised. To this end I’ve moved the database to an online solution. I have also automated loading sales into the database so I can accurately check the stock.

In my previous post (or one of them) I mentioned that I updated the product search plugin. This adds the functionality that it now searches the tags. I am also slowly, but surely, working my way through adding codes and series names to the tags. This widens the options people have for finding the products they want.


All this means that as I work on slightly different strands things are slowly, but surely, improving. The amount of products in stock is slowly growing, and the data and access to the products is growing.

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More About Stock!



More About Stock is a quick update on what I have been adding to the store and an update on where I am with the decals.


I am beginning to work my way through all the people who had asked for specific decals. Once that is all sorted then I will be able to release everything else on to the shop. If you find that there is nothing there you would like then have a look on If there is something on there you want me to order just drop me a line and let me know.


I have finally added the remaining RG and MG models that I had in at the last stock delivery. Now for me I quite like this bad boy (

I like the simplicity of this model. There are other MGs on there as well as a couple more RG models. Why not go and have a look at the shop! Remember, if you can’t see what you want always feel free to drop me a line and I will try and get it in.


That concludes my “More About Stock” post. I hope you are having a good week and find time for some modelling!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


HG Kits

RG Kits

MG Kits

SD Kits

EG Kits

FM Kits

PG Kits



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Advert / Stock / General Update



Welcome to the “Advert / Stock / General Update” post. My first one in a while so let me get people up to speed.

General Update

I decided to have a look at the site and some of the usability. I have made some minor tweaks, but the biggest change is the product specific search box. I have implemented (bought and stuck in) a plugin that allows searching on the tags on products. I have also started (the first few) adding in tags against products that relate to codes that relate to the model, and/or the shows that they come from. This will be searchable content now, so will hopefully help people in finding what they are looking for.


Things have also been a little manic on the stock front! I got my first order of Delpi Decals in. I am super happy with them, but it has taken me an age (literally) to add them to the site. At the moment they are locked as either behind a pin or private. This is so that those who requested specific decals get to put their orders in first. Hopefully in the next week or so I will be able to make everything else live. I will be looking to order more based on how well they sell.

I also have some nice shiny models on the site as well! Not only have I got some awesome Witch From Mercury models available here. But I also have some really nice MG models on there as well. I have more MG models to add, but those will be going on later in the week.

These are just some of the modes that have gone on to the site.


That pretty much wraps up this “Advert / Stock / General Update” post. If you haven’t already, why not go have a look at the shop and see what is available. You can get there here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Advert / Stock 19/03/2023


Welcome to “Advert / Stock 19/03/2023” a quick roundup of the week, the stock and an advert for the shop.

Before I get into it I wanted to apologise for the lack of posts over the last week. With balancing everything I just didn’t get time to do any posts this week. I will try harder next week!


So currently the core of the stock hasn’t changed. There is still a solid breadth of models across all the grades in the shop. If you are thinking about picking something up then please do have a look. I will include links at the bottom of the post rather than just littering them throughout the post.

What have I been doing?

Well that is a very good question. I have been spending time working on the panel lining of the RG Aile Strike so I can post that up and also go over how I found the whole process.

I have, however, been working on more than just that.

Most importantly I have a first order of Decals from on the way. Once I have photos and the stock in hand I’ll update more there. However, as with everything else, if you have a browse of the site and there are things you want off there let me know. I can build up a second order and get them shipped over. Obviously I have a min order value of $200 that I have to meet to put an order in. However, once I have that I can place the order and get everything sorted.

Decal Example
Decal Example


That concludes “Advert / Stock 19/03/2023”. As always if there are any questions please just let me know.

Have a great week and I hope you get in some modelling!

HG Kits

RG Kits

MG Kits

SD Kits

EG Kits

FM Kits

PG Kits



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Advert / Stock 12/03/2023


Welcome to “Advert / Stock 12/03/2023” this weeks update on the stock and a quick thank you to all the people out there who have supported us with views, and purchases.

Model Kits Ltd is a small independent (me) run online model kit shop.

I have a very simple ethos. To do my best to get the kits you want into your hands as fairly priced and as quickly as I can.

We still have the PG Unicorn in stock


Also amongst the HG kits is the ChuChu Demi Trainer available here


As well as those there is a selection of other kits, all available and to hand to dispatch as soon as possible,

I also stock some of the GUNPRIMER products which you can find here

I would like to personally thank everyone who supports us. If you are considering picking up a new model, or models, then please give the site a look to see if we have what you are after!

For ease of access here are the links to the different sections

HG Kits

RG Kits

MG Kits

SD Kits

EG Kits

FM Kits

PG Kits




That completes this weeks “Advert / Stock 12/03/2023” roundup. If you have any queries or questions please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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RG Aile Strike Build Day 12

Shoulder back together


Welcome to “RG Aile Strike Build Day 12” where I am building up an RG Aile strike model. If you haven’t read any of the other parts I would recommend going back to the start. You can find that here. In the first post I covered the box, runners and provide the manual.

I am taking my time to ensure I clean up all the marks that can be cleaned up. As with any build like this, if you end up with discolouration or a small white “stress” mark you are likely to need painting to get rid of those. I may have a look at simple quick methods of dealing with those items, especially as I find that it has a habit of happening on the grey pieces. I also accept I may need to work on my cutting style as I’m sure that will contribute to it!

The Break

Ok, normally at this point I outline the process that I follow for taking the parts from the runners and cleaning them up. However I have a confession. You may, or may not, have noticed that recent pictures the model was nor sporting their right shoulder pad. This was, I had to admit, not the models fault. Rather I had been a little too keen with the nippers and rendered the joint that clips over the arm to hold the shoulder in place weak.

The part looks like this:

Broken part
Broken part

I guess it would probably be more accurate to say the piece shouldn’t look like that. It should be more a horseshoe shape and less of a “on no some spoon broke me” shape.

What to do?

There there were a few potential options. The first would be to just glue it in place, but that would render the arm with very limited mobility. The next option would be to cut a small square of plasticard to size and then file away till I have something that works. The final, and far more fun option would be to design a piece in some 3d software and print one out.

Which did I choose?

I’m guessing from the way I loaded the what the options were, we all know I went down the 3d route. I recently bought a small 3d printer with the specific view of printing adapters for the stands I sell in the shop (here). They are cheap and versatile but I wanted to offer people the opportunity to get some slightly different connectors.

So that means I have a small 3d printer to-hand (*whew*).

My final model looks like this:

Simple 3d model of shoulder joint
Simple shoulder joint

During the process I printed and tested multiple pieces tweaking the width of the legs etc.

Pile of shame
Pile of shame

Finally I reached one I was happy with and slotted everything back together. It isn’t perfect, and I may need to tweak it further but I can print more if needed!

As you can see it appears to be doing the job. On the whole an evening well spent I feel. I also got to use the 3d printer which is a bonus!


I was the one who broke the part. I must have trimmed it too close when using the nippers. However, this goes to show that with a little time and patience there are options to work around broken pieces.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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RG Aile Strike Build Day 11

Front View


Welcome to “RG Aile Strike Build Day 11” where I am building up an RG Aile strike model. If you haven’t read any of the other parts I would recommend going back to the start. You can find that here. In the first post I covered the box, runners and provide the manual.

I am taking my time to ensure I clean up all the marks that can be cleaned up. As with any build like this, if you end up with discolouration or a small white “stress” mark you are likely to need painting to get rid of those. I may have a look at simple quick methods of dealing with those items, especially as I find that it has a habit of happening on the grey pieces. I also accept I may need to work on my cutting style as I’m sure that will contribute to it!

The Process

Unless otherwise noted I followed this process for each piece:

  • Cut off roughly leaving plenty of nub
  • Trim back the nub with my better nippers
  • Apply water to my wet and dry sandpaper and sand the nub marks down
  • Dry the piece
  • Brush it off with the tooth brush to remove any bits
  • Re-apply the matt finish using the Gray Balancer
  • Prep the part with the green side of the White Balancer
  • Shine the part up with the white side of the White Balancer

If after this I wasn’t happy I would repeat the sanding steps down, and keep iterating until I was happy with the finish.

The Parts

I had pre-removed the parts and put them in the small bag. The head consists of 14 parts, some of which are quite small. The really small red pieces I found quite tricky to hold on to and they had a habit of pinging away from me. However, once the cleanup was complete I was, as with the rest of the mode, very happy with the final result. The parts themselves clean up beautifully, and using the GUNPRIMER balancers they look like they were never touched.

Part Build

Side Part Head
Side Part Head

I took this picture part way through building the head. Lots of the pieces layer on top of one another, and I thought this was a great view of the partly built head. I may yet need to dismantle it if I find suitable waterslide decals. I will, however, cross that bridge when I come to it.

The Build So Far

With the head complete, and in place, most of the model is done. I have him currently dabbing while next to Heavyarms and DoubleX. I don’t know why I just did.


So far the build has been extremely satisfying. The only glitches have been user error on my part. The parts clean up really nicely, and you can achieve a really nice finish on the model. I still have the weapons and backpack to build. Once that is done I will top coat, panel line and top coat again. Hopefully I will then be able to take some photos that do the model justice!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!
