Blog Posts

  • RG Gundam Aile Strike 1/144

    Introduction I currently have a box in my living room. In that box should be 5 RG Gundam Aile Strike models. I picked them up partially because I think they look amazing, and partially because I may nab one for myself! If you haven’t seen it the model looks like this: Background The model was…

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  • Custom Decals – My First Attempt

    Introduction I was curious, about making some custom decals. Now this wasn’t a case of I had to, this was purely an experiment. As the sticks are sometimes a bit jarring when they are applied, I thought I would look at how hard it would be to make my own decals. Tools of the trade…

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  • Shiranui Second Yuya Bridges Ki

    Introduction So today this little gem (the Shiranui Second Yuya Bridges Ki kit) arrived with the postman: The kit is by Kotobukiya and is from the MUV-LUV alternate total eclipse range. After watching the series I really liked some of the suits in there. I had a look around and found this one. I decided…

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  • MG Heavyarms Foot

    Introduction Today I am going to strip down a MG Heavyarms Foot and build it back up. On the whole this isn’t a difficult process, but for anyone who hasn’t built one and curious, here it goes! The Parts With a little help from a parts separator I split apart the pieces. As you can…

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  • Cheap Stands or Bases

    Introduction Recently I got asked about the cheap stands or bases, and whether they were a real viable alternative to the more standard bases. You can often, if you shop around, get 3 or 4 of the cheaper bases for the price of one of the standard ones. The standard ones look like this (or…

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