Blog Posts

  • RG Aile Strike Build Day 3

    Introduction Ok so I know this is called “RG Aile Strike Build Day 3” but I’ll be honest I wasn’t happy with the feet when I saw the pictures. So after spending hours sorting images, rotating them, re-sizing them, I then settled down with those darn feet! What are they like now? I started by…

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  • RG Aile Strike Build Day 2

    Introduction RG Aile Strike Build Day 2 covers what I managed to do in the first section of the build. This build, unlike my “Guess the model” builds is going to be more evenly paced. As long as I have enough to warrant posting an update I will. Otherwise I’ll pickup a different topic and…

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  • RG Aile Strike Build Day 1

    Introduction RG Aile Strike Build Day 1 is the first part in the RG build. In a previous post I said I needed to put my money where my mouth is and show off this model. I think it looks stunning, and I am really looking forward to this. I will post up the progress…

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  • Advert / Stock 12/02/2023

    Welcome to “Advert / Stock 12/02/2023” this weeks update on any changes in stock and a blatant advert for the shop 😀 So I have had a mini box with a few items in this week which was nice. However, before I leap in there I should remind everyone, that if they are after this…

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  • Put my money where my mouth is!

    Put my money where my mouth is! Ok that sounds like a click bait title. But let me explain! So in my previous post I was banging on about how amazing I think the RG Aile Strike is. I also, in previous posts have banged on about how great I think the GUNPRIMER products are.…

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