Blog Posts

  • Introduction I ask myself this question all of the time; should I paint my models. I’m sure there are all sorts of views out there in the world, but it is one that I keep coming back to. I thought it would be interesting to explore them here. What are the options When asking myself…

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  • Introduction I recently received a HG Bracer Phoenix to build after watching some of the Pacific Rim world / universe anime which left me curious about the models. This review covers the box, what the parts look like, and the subsequent model. In my previous post I reviewed the HG Obsidian Fury which you can…

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  • Introduction I recently was fortunate enough to receive a HG Obsidian Fury. I was interested in this model after watching some of the anime available around the Pacific Rim world, and decided to write up a HG Obsidian Fury Review. The Box The box for the HG Obsidian Fury is slightly smaller than the other…

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  • Introduction Bandai are due to release the Gundam HG Pharact model towards the end of this year. Certainly the renders of the model (as seen below) look absolutely stunning. At the moment there appears to be only a little information available about the model. However, below is what we do know so far. HG PHARACT…

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  • Shop Update This is just a brief shop update to keep everyone in the loop. Everything is currently setup except for the VAT number and EORI number. I have, unfortunately, no control over this. I have to wait until HMRC have completed their checks and issued the ID. As soon as I have that I…

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