Setting up a new business can be fun, challenging, tiring, and ultimately rewarding. One of the things I never realised was that I was going to end up with data everywhere! So when setting up an online business there are a lot of things you are going to need to work out, and to track.…
Introduction Starting a new business there are many challenges you face. First you have to work out all the details; like, do you need to register for VAT, what sort of company do you want to setup. Then you have your initial setup and configuration. Businesses need to look at setting up a website, how…
Christmas roundup is a summary of previous posts. You have decided to purchase a kit for a loved one for Christmas. This is, I would say, is a rather wonderful gift. It will transport them back to younger and simpler times. They can sit, and build, and at the end of it have a fantastic…
Welcome back to this mini Christmas Kit series of posts! Yesterday we were discussing how Christmas is getting closer and buying a model for someone who hasn’t built one before. Essentially you will want to pickup a couple of essentials to make the build process more enjoyable! Yesterdays item was nippers. Today we are going…
Update on the shop I finally have an update on the shop! HMRC have provided the VAT number and EORI number for the company. I have passed on all the new details to the supplier. Hopefully I will be able to use their platform to get stock in very soon. What happens next? Once the…