Blog Posts

  • Introduction That is right. I enjoyed the last guess the model (I hope you did too) so much I thought I would do it again. For anyone new the format is quite simple. I follow the build manual for a model, in the order it is in the manual, and try, each day, to do…

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  • Introduction Ok. I know I have done quite a few posts on the RG Zaku II. But I have to do this one, sort of a show and tell, after finally getting all the bits together to make him his own stand. I am quite proud of the final piece so I thought I would…

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  • Introduction With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show. The fifth suit I felt I should cover is the Dilanza. In the Witch from Mercury this suit is manufactured by the Jeturk company. Using the parts…

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  • Introduction In this piece I will go over the basics of what to do once you have got the parts off the sprue. Note this is very basic and very much from my point of view. I am totally open to any feedback and suggestions that people may have on either improving this technique or…

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  • Introduction I will be honest. I wasn’t expecting to be posting about my ZAKU II any time soon. I have been doing some work to finish it off. Again, in my hamfisted manner I managed to break a part. I have no idea what was going through my head. However, I did thankfully have the…

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