Blog Posts

  • Good morning, afternoon or whenever you read this and welcome to Guess the model Part X! Today was going to be a post in the series of guess the model. I was intending on building, and photographing the legs, or at least one. However, life has conspired against me! This is what has led to…

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  • The latest series in the guess the model is going to cover the hips. If you haven’t seen the other parts it starts here. To quickly summarise for anyone just joining the series. I take a model I have to build. Then following the exact order in the manual I build the pieces and post…

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  • Introduction In one of my previous posts I showed off my RK Zaku II on the custom stand. I thought that I would do a piece on making the custom stand. Materials Tools Stage 1 – Measuring out I like to have the feet in pretty much the same position. I also like them to…

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  • Introduction In case you missed the previous parts you can catch up here and here. The rules are simple. I build the model in the stages, based on the order in the manual. This stops me deliberately picking obscure parts. I then post up the sections as they are built and readers can guess what…

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  • I started this new series of guess the model as I enjoyed the last one so much. I am hoping everyone else did too. The original series can be found here. In this part I will be building the head of the model. As I am sticking to my game rules (build in the order…

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