Blog Posts

  • New Stock Alert 12/01/2023

    At last, after much chasing and trials and tribulations this finally happened today! New Stock Alert 12/01/2023. As you can see the outer boxes look like someone decided that dragging them everywhere was the best mode of transport. However, I am happy to say, that those are packing boxes, and inside those boxes are 3…

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  • HG Gunpla Arms

    Introduction In this post I want to highlight the lovely technicalities that Bandai have built into the models. This post specifically I want to focus on looking at the HG GunPla arms … or more specifically my RX-78-2 Revive arm. Before I go any further I must, I feel, apologise for the state of the…

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  • News roundup 10/01/2023

    The Witch From Mercury In case you missed it the 12th episode of The Witch From Mercury aired this Friday. It was, to say the least, absolutely epic. It contained everything, in my opinion, that you could ask for from an episode. I watch the episodes on crunchyroll ( It is subscription based, but I…

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  • Anime and Suits

    I love both anime and suits. Now I don’t mean bow tie and top hat and tails. I mean great big mechanical suits. When I was but a wee lad, I remember my best friend writing a story about a kid who found this mechanical suit and being able to do stuff. It was brilliant.…

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  • Small Business Frustrations

    Ok let me just preface this with the fact I don’t want this to be a whiny oh poor me post. It is not about that. This is more a lessons learnt. I said in an earlier post that I originally didn’t understand why people would setup business after business after business. After just a…

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