Blog Posts

  • News Roundup – 19/01/2023

    News Roundup – 19/01/2023 sums up the items I’ve browsed in the last week that I hope people will find interesting if they haven’t already seen them. As well as the news items this last week has been interesting to say the least! I managed to get my new stock listed, and I also managed…

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  • Anime Worlds

    Introduction Anime worlds. It is, as the title suggests a massive topic. In this article I want to work through what it is I like about anime worlds and why I feel they have so much to offer society as a whole. What do I like? Well I could flip that around and say what…

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  • Company Culture Building the Base

    Introduction Company Culture Building the Base is about the core fundamentals of a business, what I see them as, and what I see as important. It is also about how I see that growing, and why it is important. What is the base? When I think of the base, I’m thinking of you, the customer.…

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  • Weekly Shop Roundup 15/01/2023

    Introduction Weekly Shop Roundup 15/01/2023! Ok I don’t want to “flood” my Page/Socials with adverts for the shop. I want most of the posts to be purely about GunPla and the associated mediums. However, I do also have a shop so to balance it I’m trying to keep my adverts to 1 advert a week…well…

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  • RG Zeta

    I was lucky enough to get my hands on an RG Zeta. Getting hold of the RG models and the MG models seems really difficult at the moment. However, I am slowly building up my stock of these models. If you haven’t seen the Zeta it looks like this. I think it looks like a…

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