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Advert / Stock 19/02/2023


Welcome to “Advert / Stock 19/02/2023”. A post that does what it says on the tin.

I have had a fairly quiet week this week stock wise, leading to the opportunity to sort some other pieces. I have, however, listed some basic stands for sale. They are £2 each. I will be honest, they make more sense to get with a model so the postage is already covered.

I think they are quite flexible and allow you do do all sorts with your 1/144 scale models. You can find them here.

The look like this.

Gundam Stand
Gundam Stand

Here are a few pictures of one of my models taking advantage of the stand!

Please excuse my photography skills, I am working on it, but I just need some time to sit down and work on it!

I am also continuing to work on my build of the RG Aile Strike. You can buy yours here. So far it is living up to expectations and building beautifully.

I have been looking at some of the Moderoid pre-orders. At the moment the following are on pre-order:

If you would like me to put in a pre-order to see if I can get any of them let me know!

That is is for “Advert / Stock 19/02/2023”, I will update further when I get more updates!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Advert / Stock 05/02/2023


Advert / Stock 05/02/2023 is a quick update on the stock and the shop and a blatant advert for the shop 🙂

I have had, what could be called a mini re-stock of some items. This week a got a handful of MG and RG kits in. At the moment I also have the HG Guels Dilanza in stock here. I also have an MG Buster and MG Justice available also. Why not use the links at the bottom to have a browse and see if something takes your eye. I still have the PG Unicorn available if you fancy a challenge!

The items below you will need to contact me directly, however, I have provided quick links to the store and the specific grades at the bottom of the post for all other models.

As you may be aware I still have some models that the boxes were damaged from packing / transit. I’m trying to shift them directly if possible so that it is easier to communicate any box damage. If you are interested in any of them they are:

RG Freedom £26.99 + P&P


HG Setsuro £25.99 + P&P


HGUC Gundam RX-0 Unic Full Arm Dest Red 1/144 £34.99 + P&P


BB Gundam Destiny £9.99 + P&P


They are all stunning models which would look fantastic in any collection. You can also just browse the shop which is available here. Note the models above are not listed there at present due to the boxes. However, if you are interested in them please contact me directly. I also have lots of other models available on the shop, as well as the awesome GUNPRIMER Balancers and starter kit and Raser products. You can see them here.


That concludes this weeks “Advert / Stock 05/02/2023” roundup. Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Advert / Stock 29/01/2023


Advert / Stock 29/01/2023 is a quick update on the stock and the shop and a blatant advert for the shop 🙂

The items below you will need to contact me directly, however, I have provided quick links to the store and the specific grades at the bottom of the post for all other models.

As you may be aware I still have some models that the boxes were damaged from packing / transit. I’m trying to shift them directly if possible so that it is easier to communicate any box damage. If you are interested in any of them they are:

RG Freedom £26.99 + P&P


HG Setsuro £25.99 + P&P


HGUC Gundam RX-0 Unic Full Arm Dest Red 1/144 £34.99 + P&P


BB Gundam Destiny £9.99 + P&P


They are all stunning models which would look fantastic in any collection. You can also just browse the shop which is available here. Note the models above are not listed there at present due to the boxes. However, if you are interested in them please contact me directly. I also have lots of other models available on the shop, as well as the awesome GUNPRIMER Balancers and starter kit and Raser products. You can see them here.


That concludes this weeks “Advert / Stock 29/01/2023” roundup. Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Weekly Shop Roundup 15/01/2023



Weekly Shop Roundup 15/01/2023! Ok I don’t want to “flood” my Page/Socials with adverts for the shop. I want most of the posts to be purely about GunPla and the associated mediums. However, I do also have a shop so to balance it I’m trying to keep my adverts to 1 advert a week…well and when I list things so people know they can go look!

I have had, what I believe we would call, a mixed bag, this week.

The Good

On the one hand I got some absolutely stunning new models in the shop!

The images above are just a small selection of the new models that I have listed on the shop this week! If you haven’t had a look, please do go check it out, there are some super nice models in there! You can get to is easily from here.

The Bad

On the flip side a large chunk of the stock came in with damage to the boxes. I know that a lot of builders and collectors want the box to be in as pristine condition as everything else. I may have to list them on the site, with the relevant warnings, but, in the first instance I want to try and secure buyers through direct contact to ensure they know.

If you are reading this, then at the time of writing I have the following in my possession but not on the site:

The RG Zeta Gundam £31.99 + P&P

RG Freedom £26.99 + P&P

RG Freedom £26.99 + P&P

HG Setsuro £25.99 + P&P

HG Setsuro £25.99 + P&P

HGUC Gundam RX-0 Unic Full Arm Dest Red 1/144 £34.99 + P&P

HGUC Gundam RX-0 Unic Full Arm Dest Red 1/144 £34.99 + P&P

BB Gundam Destiny £9.99 + P&P

BB Gundam Destiny £9.99 + P&P

I took the images above to show the dents on the boxes. If you are interested in any of these please send me a message or an email at [email protected]. Also please feel free to forward this and let your friends know.

The Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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ModelKitsLtd Shop and Stock


Happy new year to everyone and welcome to my shop and stock update. I hope last year was filled with plenty of models to build, and I hope that this year brings plenty more models to build!

At I am constantly looking to bring in more stock and broaden the selection of products that we have available in the UK ready to ship.

My next order is due to be delivered by UPS on Wednesday the 4th of January 2023. Some of the items on the list have already been reserved for customers. So for example the Lfrith models I have coming in are already spoken for! However, there are plenty of other models coming into stock. In fact, I have 34 new products coming in!

Lfrith Kneeling
Lfrith Kneeling

If there is anything you are after specifically let me know and we can have a look at what is available and my unique pre-order no pre-order methodology.

If that isn’t enough to whet your appetite I also have the Gunprimer stock I ordered coming in hopefully this week also. You can see the full range of their stock here. If they have something you are interested in that I don’t have in stock please just let me know. I am more than happy to add specific items to my inventory if they are wanted by people. I will do some posts with the products once they are here and I have the opportunity to add them to the store.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


#gundam #gundammodel #model #kit #gunpla

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Latest Stock is on the way!

I am super happy to say that the latest stock has reached the European distributors. I have sorted my invoice and should have some new stock coming in very soon!

The likelihood of getting things in before Christmas is slim to none. However, it is a great way to look at starting the new year!

So, I am sure that you are wondering what sort of things are coming in this next batch.

Top of the list has to be the PG Gundam Unicorn RX-0 1/60

PG Unicorn
PG Unicorn

I can’t wait to get this, and to see the size of the box when it arrives! I’m guessing this may be quite a large one!

Next up on my list of what is coming in is the HGUC Gundam Unic Full Arm Dest Red 1/144

Unicorn Full Armour
Unicorn Full Armour

I am also re-stocking up on some of the EG models as well as those seem to be in high demand so I want to make sure I keep them around in case anyone wants them.

With me being a new business I can’t afford to buy everything I would like! Some of the kits coming in I will only have 1 or 2 of so if you are interested you may need to get in there quick to snag one!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


#gundam #gundammodel #model #kit #gunpla