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How many is too many



I will be honest, I had a few options around this post. I wasn’t sure whether to just look at it from the point of how many is too many when looking at the model count. But then I could look at it from the backlog point of view. Then I realised I may as well write a paragraph or two on each!

Total Model Count

So I guess the first angle I should look at is can you have too many models? I mean the obvious answer is obviously no! However, should you look at packing / storing some and displaying a select few models, or would you rather get them all out? I think, the reality, for a lot of modellers, is that their display space is limited. If that isn’t the case then I say go wild! Shelves, display cases, even from the ceiling or magnetised! If you have the space then go for as many models as you are happy with.

As I say I think for the majority of us we have limited display space. At the moment I’m using the top of my freezer to stand 3 models and a Harry Potter Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes shop model. The space there is limited. I will, I think have to look at a system. Ultimately I think I may look to break them into seasons or months, and cycle them round. The only model that I have that will survive this drastic measure is the Double X. It was my first Gundam and I love it nubs and all.


I often see people shifting their collections to either make space, or to make room for other models. There certainly seem to be plenty of people who are happy to buy pre-built models. Some to display, some to use as parts, some for kit bashes, and others to practice techniques on. So I guess once you have had your enjoyment from a model is it best to just let it go and find a new home?

Ultimately I would say, if you are happy, then there is no count that is too high!


I recently asked a variation of this question on a forum. Ultimately the feedback would seem to be that there is no such thing as too big a backlog. For some people they buy build and buy again. Others prefer to ensure that there is no chance they will ever run out. Whichever side of the fence you fall, or if you are somewhere in between, it is fair to say that there is no right or wrong answer.

Again, as with display space, having space to keep your backlog can become an issue. A lot of people are working with limited space, and I get the feeling that a lot of peoples backlog size is dictated as much by available space as it is desire to not have too many there.

My backlog isn’t too bad at the moment. I have 1 MG, 1RG, and the USS Voyager to build. I have however also got a Kotobukiya Muv-Luv Shiranui Second Yuya Bridges model coming from ebay. I also put in an order with my supplier to try and get a hold of some of the models for the shop … well ok I ordered 2 of 1 of the models… the other 6 or so were for me … I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it!


How many is too many is a very subjective question. There are likely to be people in your life who tell you that you have too many models, or kits to build. I would say it is your hobby and as long as it is not disruptive, as long as you aren’t spending money you need for food, heating, rent etc. then where you spend your money is your decision. A bit like the gambling adverts say, when the fun stops stop. It is similar with the models. As long as you are enjoying the hobby then carry on. Personally I am loving all the options, and exploring the painting, lighting, and dioramas, as well as just straight builds. As long as I am enjoying myself then I will continue to build!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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P-Bandai Forgotten Europe

MG 1/100 Blast Impulse


OK I better start this by saying this is purely an opinion piece on why I think we are in a P-Bandai forgotten Europe. You can take it or leave it as however works for you. I want to outline the frustrations that we, or at least I, have around P-Bandai products.

What is it?

P-Bandai are premium Bandai products, and from out point of view, they release limited edition GunPla. I know this doesn’t sound like a lot, especially given the models we do get, but they can’t be directly sourced within Europe. You can find the P-Bandai page here. What is great is when you go to this page, you will (normally) see all the areas / regions they deal with directly, and subsequently you will notice Europe is missing.

MG 1/100 Blast Impulse
MG 1/100 Blast Impulse

This bad boy is on the USA store.

Why don’t we get any?

Ok this is where I start going into the realms of personal conjecture. I think for some time Bandai as an organisation has seen GunPla within Europe, and the UK, as niche with not having the level of demand as other areas. Couple this with the limited production capacity and they are, I believe, focusing predominantly on The home markets, and the US, as being large consumers. I do think this opinion is changing, but slowly.

Can we get any?

Some online stores get stock of them. Whether they order from an external third party, and have them shipped on I couldn’t say. But yes there are online stores that do sell them. I would say that, again in my opinion, this is likely to end up costing us (the UK consumers more) as their overheads are more likely higher. I don’t blame the shops for that, it is the cost of bringing them in, and is outside their control.


So in short, I just don’t think Bandai has realised the European potential, and with limited production capacity they focus on the home markets.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!
