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Advert / Stock / General Update



Welcome to the “Advert / Stock / General Update” post. My first one in a while so let me get people up to speed.

General Update

I decided to have a look at the site and some of the usability. I have made some minor tweaks, but the biggest change is the product specific search box. I have implemented (bought and stuck in) a plugin that allows searching on the tags on products. I have also started (the first few) adding in tags against products that relate to codes that relate to the model, and/or the shows that they come from. This will be searchable content now, so will hopefully help people in finding what they are looking for.


Things have also been a little manic on the stock front! I got my first order of Delpi Decals in. I am super happy with them, but it has taken me an age (literally) to add them to the site. At the moment they are locked as either behind a pin or private. This is so that those who requested specific decals get to put their orders in first. Hopefully in the next week or so I will be able to make everything else live. I will be looking to order more based on how well they sell.

I also have some nice shiny models on the site as well! Not only have I got some awesome Witch From Mercury models available here. But I also have some really nice MG models on there as well. I have more MG models to add, but those will be going on later in the week.

These are just some of the modes that have gone on to the site.


That pretty much wraps up this “Advert / Stock / General Update” post. If you haven’t already, why not go have a look at the shop and see what is available. You can get there here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!
