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Guess The Model Part 6

Visible Completed!


Guess The Model Part 6 is the latest instalment in my current model build. As I follow the manual and build it section by section. If you missed them the previous parts are available here:

Today’s Part(s)

Today I am sort of doing a “everything else” post. I would feel like a bit of a cheat if I strung out the smallest parts of the model! So today I am going to roundup everything that was left to build on the core of the model.

The Parts

As you can see above, as well as the 21(ish) parts I had to assemble for the leg, there were miscellaneous other parts to bring it together and finish the main build.

The Finished Article (ish)

I was really happy with the build of this model. It is, in my opinion, a really relaxing build. There was nothing there I would class as “taxing” but a fantastic model to build while listening to the radio, or an audio book. All the parts went together (sometimes with a very satisfying snicking noise as they clicked into place).

The foot and nub removal and cleaning I did a whole post on here. In essence I used the GUNPRIMER balancers to clean up the nub and re polish the foot. I’m really happy with how well they work!


So there you have it! If you haven’t already guessed this is the RX-80BR Black Rider model. It is a HGUC kit, and despite its simplicity, is really enjoyable to build.

I have, as noted previously, taken advice from those with more experience and avoided using the stickers on this kit. My plan is to undercoat some sections and paint the red on. I am still wondering what, if anything, I should do on top of that. However with so many kits, and so little time, I had better probably keep it realistic.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Guess The Model Part 5

Bent Leg


Guess The Model Part 5 is the latest instalment in my current model build. As I follow the manual and build it section by section. If you missed them the previous parts are available here:

Today’s Part

Today the manual moved on to the legs. This comes with the foot and ankle.

The Parts

Leg Parts
Leg Parts

As can be seen from the image there are approximately 21 pieces to form the leg. This includes the foot and ankle joint. Cutting the pieces from the runner was, as is normally the case with Bandai models, a simple process. The clean-up on the parts also didn’t take too long to complete. In the image I had partially completed the clean-up, but I still had some work to do.

Assembled Leg

I found building the leg really enjoyable. None of the parts, for me at least, were too small. They also have, as is normally the case with the Bandai kits, really close tolerances, so the pieces fit together snugly. The part that fits onto the outside of the calf adds nice definition to the leg and some extra detail. As you can see from the pictures I was happy with the level of articulation the kit has in the legs. The knee joint bends really well and there is enough movement in the ankle to help make multiple poses stable.


As with the arms, this was a very smooth, and pleasant experience to build the leg. There were no real “challenges” to it. I found myself able to just enjoy the build process, the cutting, cleaning and assembly of the part.

I’m guessing a lot of you will already know what model it is by now! If not feel free to guess away. I will continue on with the build, as step by step I edge it towards completion!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Advert / Stock 29/01/2023


Advert / Stock 29/01/2023 is a quick update on the stock and the shop and a blatant advert for the shop 🙂

The items below you will need to contact me directly, however, I have provided quick links to the store and the specific grades at the bottom of the post for all other models.

As you may be aware I still have some models that the boxes were damaged from packing / transit. I’m trying to shift them directly if possible so that it is easier to communicate any box damage. If you are interested in any of them they are:

RG Freedom £26.99 + P&P


HG Setsuro £25.99 + P&P


HGUC Gundam RX-0 Unic Full Arm Dest Red 1/144 £34.99 + P&P


BB Gundam Destiny £9.99 + P&P


They are all stunning models which would look fantastic in any collection. You can also just browse the shop which is available here. Note the models above are not listed there at present due to the boxes. However, if you are interested in them please contact me directly. I also have lots of other models available on the shop, as well as the awesome GUNPRIMER Balancers and starter kit and Raser products. You can see them here.


That concludes this weeks “Advert / Stock 29/01/2023” roundup. Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Guess The Model Part 4

Assembled Arm Top Down Guess the Model Part 4


Guess The Model Part 4 is the latest instalment in my current model build. As I follow the manual and build it section by section. If you missed them the previous parts are available here:

Today’s Part

With yesterdays part being the right arm, it is probably not a shock that today we have the left arm. This comes with the added bonus of the anchor and launcher.

The Parts

Unassembled Parts Guess the Model Part 4
Unassembled Parts Guess the Model Part 4

I should probably mention the mints are not a mandatory part of the build, but they are certainly acceptable additions. There are twenty individual parts making up the arm. I did find, as with the other arm, that some of them are quite small. However, they all fit together nicely, everything was to the high standard I have come to expect from Bandai.

Assembled Arm

Again I found myself really happy with the level of articulation on the kit. The arms have a great range of motion. I also love the stun anchor which with the added wire, can be used to make an awesome look. As with the rest of the kit I am not going to put the red stickers on it. I am planning on masking off pieces and undercoating and painting the parts that should be red. I am also tempted to add a little white into the mix as well but I haven’t decided yet.


The kit is coming together nicely. If you want a kit that is as satisfying to build as it is simple and relaxing then this is a great option.

I’m guessing a lot of you will already know what model it is by now! If not feel free to guess away. I will continue on with the build, as step by step I edge it towards completion!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Guess The Model Part 3

Assembled Front Bent Arm Guess the Model Part 3


Guess The Model Part 3 is the latest instalment in my current model build. As I follow the manual and build it section by section. If you missed them the previous parts are available here:

Today’s Part

Next up in the manual I am going to be building the right arm. Something I have found with this build, so far, is that it goes together really nicely. I think it has a nice balance between chunky and thin with some nice detail.

The Parts

Guess the Model Part 3 Bits
Guess the Model Part 3 Bits

As you can see above the right arm consists of 20 parts. I found several of them to be quite small, but still easy to handle. Cutting them out, and sanding them down wasn’t a problem, and by the time I had cleaned them up with the GUNPRIMER Balancers they were as good as new. (You can see a post I did on that here.)

Assembled Arm

I was surprised by the level of articulation that the arm had in the elbow joint. Overall I am quite happy with how it fits, looks and moves. It is worth mentioning, as I have earlier, that multiple pieces in this build should have stickers on them. However, personally, I feel they look a little cheap. As I have an airbrush sitting at my feet, I think it would do the model more justice to add those parts via paint.


I have to say this is turning out to be a really enjoyable build. There is not a single part so far I have found frustrating, or awkward. I’m guessing a lot of you will already know what model it is by now! If not feel free to guess away. I will continue on with the build, as step by step I edge it towards completion!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Guess the Model – Part 1

Underside Front View


Back by popular demand (by me) is my guess the model series; leading off with Guess the Model – Part 1. This is where I post the build up of a model I am working on. The rules are simple. I have to build the model in the order it is in the manual. So if feet come before heads so be it! Actually I said the “rules” but really that is pretty much the only rule. Please feel free to guess the model and let me know what you think.

The Tools

Tools Image
Tools Image

A quick note on the tools. Firstly that is a bit of cheap sandpaper. I have a load that I won’t want to waste. Once it is all used up I will be using a RASER but I’m not a fan of waste so this gets used first! The toothbrush is because the sandpaper is wet and dry. When I use it I put some water on it and get a watery mixture with a sort of white dust from sanding. The toothbrush is perfect for cleaning that off. On the right are the cheap nippers for cut 1, and the left has the slightly less cheap nippers for cut 2. The GUNPRIMER balancers (you can find the grey here and the white here) are for cleaning up and polishing the plastic. Note I cut a piece off one to get into some smaller nooks and crannies. Finally at the top is the GUNPRIMER brush which I use for cleaning off the balancers after use.

The Pieces

The first section in the manual is the main Torso of the model. Below are the images of those pieces.

As you can see I forgot to cut out that little red piece. Still I got there in the end!

Assembled Pieces

As you can see the Torso is quite distinctive. Note I haven’t put the stickers on, mainly because I think they will cheapen the model. I’m going to have a think and paint a few sections to hopefully really make them pop. Then coat and finally panel line and coat again.


There we have it! Can you tell what model it is from that torso? If you can let me know in the comments.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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P-Bandai Forgotten Europe

MG 1/100 Blast Impulse


OK I better start this by saying this is purely an opinion piece on why I think we are in a P-Bandai forgotten Europe. You can take it or leave it as however works for you. I want to outline the frustrations that we, or at least I, have around P-Bandai products.

What is it?

P-Bandai are premium Bandai products, and from out point of view, they release limited edition GunPla. I know this doesn’t sound like a lot, especially given the models we do get, but they can’t be directly sourced within Europe. You can find the P-Bandai page here. What is great is when you go to this page, you will (normally) see all the areas / regions they deal with directly, and subsequently you will notice Europe is missing.

MG 1/100 Blast Impulse
MG 1/100 Blast Impulse

This bad boy is on the USA store.

Why don’t we get any?

Ok this is where I start going into the realms of personal conjecture. I think for some time Bandai as an organisation has seen GunPla within Europe, and the UK, as niche with not having the level of demand as other areas. Couple this with the limited production capacity and they are, I believe, focusing predominantly on The home markets, and the US, as being large consumers. I do think this opinion is changing, but slowly.

Can we get any?

Some online stores get stock of them. Whether they order from an external third party, and have them shipped on I couldn’t say. But yes there are online stores that do sell them. I would say that, again in my opinion, this is likely to end up costing us (the UK consumers more) as their overheads are more likely higher. I don’t blame the shops for that, it is the cost of bringing them in, and is outside their control.


So in short, I just don’t think Bandai has realised the European potential, and with limited production capacity they focus on the home markets.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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RX-78-2 Revive



Anyone who has been around the Gundam / Gunpla world is more than likely going to have come across the RX-78-2 models. For anyone coming late to the party the RX-78-2 was the Gundam piloted by Amuro in the original series. It is the poster boy of the franchise and has had many iterations and releases.


Arguably none as attainable as the RX-78-2 Revive. For only £12.99 (you can get it here) this HG model is both affordable and is great fun to build. Not only that but is ripe for customisation, and at that price you don’t mind experimenting!

The RX-78-2 Revive looks like this:

RX_78_2 Revive

In my case mine currently looks more like this:

As you can see I’m doing an attempt at an undercoat and paint on this. I have also wired up an LED in his helmet, and made space/holes down the inside of the suit to get the wires down to his feet. There was, I have to admit, a fair amount of butchery had to go on. However, a lot of this was a learning curve. I really want to get another once this one is done and do it totally differently.


If you don’t have one in your collection I really would recommend one. The Revive version is a really enjoyable build. At the end you have an iconic looking model, that has a timeless look and feel. I think when I look at this model I see the groundwork being laid for many of the suits / designs that have followed it. They may have more details, but the feel and general layout of items is often very similar.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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News Roundup – 19/01/2023


News Roundup – 19/01/2023 sums up the items I’ve browsed in the last week that I hope people will find interesting if they haven’t already seen them. As well as the news items this last week has been interesting to say the least! I managed to get my new stock listed, and I also managed to order some more items as well!

Bandai Hobby Net have an article that shows off the MGEX 1/100 Strike Freedom due out later in the year. You can see the original article here. The MGEX line are Master Grade Extreme models, and if this is anything to go by they are going to be stunning.

MGEX Strike Freedom
MGEX Strike Freedom

Everything about this looks amazing. Head over to Bandai Hobby net and have a look!

The Witch From Mercury

Gundam Info have run a good article showing that models from the Witch from Mercury have started shipping. The article can be found here. I personally think some of these are the best looking models I have seen in a long time. But then I may also be biased as I think the show is awesome too! They also ran an article on other suits from the series due out soon, you can find that one here.

While we are talking about Gundam Info they also have Episode 3 of the Witch from Mercury. The page where they announced that is here.


This year has already seen plenty of information on new releases, and I’m sure, well hopeful, there will be plenty more. With Bandai UK also looking to help start supplying the UK there should be more access to models, and more access (hopefully) to exclusives.

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Anime Worlds

Sword Art Online


Anime worlds. It is, as the title suggests a massive topic. In this article I want to work through what it is I like about anime worlds and why I feel they have so much to offer society as a whole.

What do I like?

Well I could flip that around and say what is there not to like! The joy of anime is that it can cover all areas, and provide such rich environments and worlds. The only limitation is the what the human imagination can come up with. The worlds that are put forward are limitless in their variety and their ingenuity. I love that they often build a whole world for you, with such a level of depth you can truly fall into it.

What do I mean variety?

You want a world where a yellow Octopus is teaching some kids.

Assassination Classroom
Assassination Classroom

Or how about a virtual fantasy based world, where people get to log in and play as if it is real.

Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online

Or how about a world where there are large mechanical suits that are driven by people.

Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam

How about a world where everyone has magic.

Black Clover
Black Clover

The worlds and variations are nearly endless. Space, magic, fantasy, modern day, post apocalyptic. There are worlds in there to suit all manner of styles and preferences.

Why is this good for society?

Society, from a young age, to an old age, likes to classify people into neat boxes. When I was growing up I would have been seen as a nerd, or a geek, or both! Back then that wasn’t a good thing. In more recent years people seem to have come to the realisation that not everyone is the same. I love the breadth and depth of Anime because of the very nature of its diversity. No matter what you like, there is likely something there that appeals to you, that will let you connect or just kick back and enjoy.


I think the worlds, and diversity in anime offer something for everyone. Whether it is a fantasy or a reassurance it doesn’t matter. Find what connects with you and enjoy it!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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