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The Witch From Mercury


If you have been living under a Gundam wreck for the last year or so then you may have missed the fact that there is a new major show. I have, I will admit, come to this a little later than I would have hoped. However, in my defence that did allow me to binge watch the first few episodes of the show and really get into the world.


The new show “The Witch from Mercury” is a new main show from Sunrise. Sunrise itself is a subsidiary of Bandai Namco Holdings (I believe). Along with the new show there will be new models being released with my previous posts covering some of the models available from the range. You can find those here:


I have been enjoying the show. As I have written about previously I think it works on multiple levels, and is enjoyable however you wish to enjoy it. Whether that is looking at the changing of the guard, with the new / next generation of business leaders starting to wrestle control from their fathers/elders. Or, just a straight forward view of watching big mecha beat each other up.

The next episode (11 at the time of writing) is due on on Christmas day. I will, I think, be trying to find a space to watch it, as I was disappointed this Sunday didn’t have an episode.

Witch From Mercury

At the time of writing the show is due to air at 18:00 JST. With Japan being 9 hours ahead of GMT that means it will air in Japan at 11:00 GMT. I will be keeping a close eye on crunchyroll for when it appears so I can watch it.

I also believe the 12th episode is scheduled for the 8th of January at 18:00 JST so that should be running at 11:00 GMT as well.


Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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