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Weekly Shop Roundup 15/01/2023



Weekly Shop Roundup 15/01/2023! Ok I don’t want to “flood” my Page/Socials with adverts for the shop. I want most of the posts to be purely about GunPla and the associated mediums. However, I do also have a shop so to balance it I’m trying to keep my adverts to 1 advert a week…well and when I list things so people know they can go look!

I have had, what I believe we would call, a mixed bag, this week.

The Good

On the one hand I got some absolutely stunning new models in the shop!

The images above are just a small selection of the new models that I have listed on the shop this week! If you haven’t had a look, please do go check it out, there are some super nice models in there! You can get to is easily from here.

The Bad

On the flip side a large chunk of the stock came in with damage to the boxes. I know that a lot of builders and collectors want the box to be in as pristine condition as everything else. I may have to list them on the site, with the relevant warnings, but, in the first instance I want to try and secure buyers through direct contact to ensure they know.

If you are reading this, then at the time of writing I have the following in my possession but not on the site:

The RG Zeta Gundam £31.99 + P&P

RG Freedom £26.99 + P&P

RG Freedom £26.99 + P&P

HG Setsuro £25.99 + P&P

HG Setsuro £25.99 + P&P

HGUC Gundam RX-0 Unic Full Arm Dest Red 1/144 £34.99 + P&P

HGUC Gundam RX-0 Unic Full Arm Dest Red 1/144 £34.99 + P&P

BB Gundam Destiny £9.99 + P&P

BB Gundam Destiny £9.99 + P&P

I took the images above to show the dents on the boxes. If you are interested in any of these please send me a message or an email at [email protected]. Also please feel free to forward this and let your friends know.

The Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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New Stock Alert 12/01/2023

New Stock

At last, after much chasing and trials and tribulations this finally happened today! New Stock Alert 12/01/2023.

New Stock
New Stock

As you can see the outer boxes look like someone decided that dragging them everywhere was the best mode of transport. However, I am happy to say, that those are packing boxes, and inside those boxes are 3 other big boxes. So, as far as I can tell so far, the inner actual GunPla boxes are ok. I will know more when I finally unpack them (Hopefully today!).

So my current plan / timeline:

Friday 13th Jan 2023 – Unpack and validate everything that I expect in the order is there. This also includes weighing and measuring the box sizes so that I can get them on the site.

Saturday 14th Jan 2023 – Make the listings public on the site.

So you are probably wondering, this is all great and everything but what has he got coming into stock?

Well amongst the items coming in are:

  • PG Gundam Unicorn RX-0 1/60
  • MG 00 Raiser 1/100
  • RG Gundam God
  • RG Z’GOK Char Custom 1/144
  • HGCE Windam
  • HG Gundam Heavyarms

There is also plenty of other stuff coming in but I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you! Head across to and have a look what else has come in!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Entry Grade (EG) Model Options


I mentioned in my earlier posts that I have a re-stock of some Entry Grade (EG) models coming in. I thought I would go through some of the things that are possible with these models. There are so many model options with these I think they are sometimes overlooked.

Firstly I think for the money they are awesome models. They have less detail than the other grades, but the ease of the snap fit, coupled with the details they do have make them look awesome. They will never reach the heady heights of the detail or joint articulation of the other lines, but they are fantastic standalone models.

Secondly looking at the EG Nu model it already looks like it has stepped out of one of the shows. It could literally have just taken a leap out of the screen and into the room.

Thirdly I love the idea of the EG models for younger builders who, possibly, have a shorter attention span, and who want to see something appear sooner rather than later. I think they would very quickly go from plastic bits on a runner to a model they made themselves that they can be proud of.

Fourthly for those parental figures out there it offers a wonderful opportunity to bond with your young ones, while they are also getting to practice finer motor skills which will be useful in all walks of life.

Fifthly for those who just want them themselves there are so many options available with these models. Take the EG Nu model as a great example.


Starting with the panels, looking at this model it offers ample opportunity to learn scribing. There are large panels all over this piece from the shield to the chest and the front flaps and legs. Even the calf muscles look like they really want you to learn scribing using them!

Panel lining is another effect that you could practice on this model. Although I will admit looking at it, you may want to practice scribing first to add a few more bits to panel line 🙂 However, if you are looking to hone your skills this is a great place to start.

I also think this is a great proving ground for painting, and painting styles. Looking at the chest and hips section I think they are so close to many other models that this provides a perfect generic model to test some paint schemes on. You can also practice shading techniques and blending and all other sorts of effects.

Lighting … well ok I need to see inside one to see how hard, or easy, it would be to light this up; I am thinking primarily on the eyes.

After market panels, and hatches. I think this is also the perfect model to try out some after market hatches and panels.

Now you may be thinking, but if I buy all those things and do all that wouldn’t I be better just buying a more detailed model to start with? I would say do both! Customising the models offers you the opportunity to make something totally unique to you. The panels will be where you want, the lines where you want, it has the chance to be exactly as you picture it in your minds eye.

Now obviously none of those things may appeal to you. However, at the end of the day it is all about doing what you enjoy. This should be a hobby, and be enjoyable. Never let anyone tell you that you are having fun “wrong”. If you want mismatched colours, you go for it. If you want one leg longer than the other, then go for it. Whatever makes you happy with your model is what you should go for. I don’t think it matters whether you customise or not, as long as you enjoy what you are doing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Christmas Kits 2022 and Toys


Christmas has been and gone. Hopefully people got kits, toys, and modelling supplies. I know there is nothing quite like making sure your backlog has some height to it!

If you haven’t got anything over the last week fear not! I have plenty of kits in stock with more coming and being listed from Friday. As well as that I will be hopefully getting more in January so stay tuned to see what I get from that list!

If you haven’t been to the shop have a look, you can get there here. There are some really nice kits in stock, and some nice kits coming in.

I have also had the update from Gunprimer that my package has been posted and I believe is currently in flight on the way to me! If you missed that post I did a quick mention on it here. I am super excited to get those in as they work amazing, and look amazing.

As well as some Real Grade (RG) kits coming in, I also have a restock of Entry Grade kits which are awesome for so many reasons, from their price point, to what you can do with them on the customisation front.


The above model for example is an Entry Grade Nu figure originally released in 2022. You can see more about it on the Bandai Spirits page here. This would be a perfect model to practice your weathering or battle damage techniques on. I also think you would be able to test out making your own templates to replace the shoulder and shield stickers with something painted directly on to blend better with the model.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Entry Grade Models


Following on from yesterdays post, I wanted to showcase another Entry Grade model that is coming back in to stock, the RX-78-2 Full Weapon Set.

As I covered yesterday (here) the Entry Grade models seem to have a popularity all of their own. Today I wanted to look at the RX-78-2 Full Weapon Set as it really offers amazing value for money.

What is to love?

So what is it about this Entry Grade kit that I think makes it such good value, and such a great kit. I’ll start with the images.

Looking at those images, it is amazing that in an Entry Grade kit that Bandai have managed to create such an authentic looking, visually stunning suit. I realise that this is a suit that has been done many times, and was always going to be a stalwart, but for me it is a classic that I never tire of.

So not only do you get the model itself, which I absolutely love, you also get the additional weapons. These aid in creating the pose or scene that you really favour with the model. That is a lot of kit, for an absolutely amazing price. The accessories in this kit are.

  • Beam Rifle x 1
  • Shield x 1
  • Beam Saber x 2
  • Hyper Bazooka x 1
  • Beam Javelin x 1
  • Gundam Hammer x 1


With all this packed in to one kit I can see why it is popular with builders! I will have a couple of these in stock, once my new order is completed and in. This may be the new year, so stay posted and I’ll update everyone when I update the stock on the shop.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Entry Grade Models


I thought with the new stock hopefully coming soon that I would look a little closer at the Entry Grade models. In particular one of the models I am getting back in stock is the Gundam Nu 1/144 Entry Grade model.

If you haven’t seen it before it looks like this


As you can see this is quite a stunning model. I like it for the relative simplicity, as well as how it stays true to the original style of the models. It is very reminiscent of the early Gundam suits that are seen in the shows. However, they have changed enough features in there to give it a unique look and feel. I also love the shape and look of the shield which I think looks amazing with this model.

Why do people get them?

From speaking to people, and reading the various message groups there seem to be a few reasons that people get these models. I find that some people want them as a quick easy build to do before some of the more intense bigger builds that they work on. They can start and finish the build quickly and get that sense of satisfaction from a job well done.

I also think that many people look to these models so that they can use them as a cheap and easy way to do customisations. The models are quick to build, and the customiser can get down to business a lot quicker, and if their experimentations go awry then no real harm is done.


Whatever the reasons I find that the Entry Grade models remain popular with all modelers. So I have a few of these coming into stock in case people want them.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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