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Anime Worlds

Sword Art Online


Anime worlds. It is, as the title suggests a massive topic. In this article I want to work through what it is I like about anime worlds and why I feel they have so much to offer society as a whole.

What do I like?

Well I could flip that around and say what is there not to like! The joy of anime is that it can cover all areas, and provide such rich environments and worlds. The only limitation is the what the human imagination can come up with. The worlds that are put forward are limitless in their variety and their ingenuity. I love that they often build a whole world for you, with such a level of depth you can truly fall into it.

What do I mean variety?

You want a world where a yellow Octopus is teaching some kids.

Assassination Classroom
Assassination Classroom

Or how about a virtual fantasy based world, where people get to log in and play as if it is real.

Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online

Or how about a world where there are large mechanical suits that are driven by people.

Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam

How about a world where everyone has magic.

Black Clover
Black Clover

The worlds and variations are nearly endless. Space, magic, fantasy, modern day, post apocalyptic. There are worlds in there to suit all manner of styles and preferences.

Why is this good for society?

Society, from a young age, to an old age, likes to classify people into neat boxes. When I was growing up I would have been seen as a nerd, or a geek, or both! Back then that wasn’t a good thing. In more recent years people seem to have come to the realisation that not everyone is the same. I love the breadth and depth of Anime because of the very nature of its diversity. No matter what you like, there is likely something there that appeals to you, that will let you connect or just kick back and enjoy.


I think the worlds, and diversity in anime offer something for everyone. Whether it is a fantasy or a reassurance it doesn’t matter. Find what connects with you and enjoy it!

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News roundup 10/01/2023


The Witch From Mercury

In case you missed it the 12th episode of The Witch From Mercury aired this Friday. It was, to say the least, absolutely epic. It contained everything, in my opinion, that you could ask for from an episode. I watch the episodes on crunchyroll ( It is subscription based, but I believe you can still get a free trial. I will be honest, we (me and the kids) watch a fair amount of Anime so I just ponied up for the top tier subscription.

The twitter account also posted up confirming that Season 2 (rumoured to be another 12 episodes) will start airing in April. To say I am excited for this would be an understatement.

HG 1/144 Gundam Aerial (Modified)

Bandai Hobby have announced that the new Aerial HG model here.


The model is based on the upgraded main suit from the Witch from Mercury. I believe this new model is currently pencilled in for release in March 2023. As with all these things sometimes the dates slip, however, I would imagine it won’t move much as I can imagine Bandai will be keen to get these in peoples hands.

P-Bandai Spartan

Feburary 2023 should see the release of the P-Bandai HG 1/144 GM Spartan. You can find the page information here.

I will admit I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on this is looks like an absolutely amazing model.

HG 1/144 GM Spartan
HG 1/144 GM Spartan

I think there is something exceptional about this model. I wish that we could get P-Bandai stuff in on wholesale in the UK to make them available to you all!

That sums up my brief news roundup from the last week.

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Anime and Suits


I love both anime and suits. Now I don’t mean bow tie and top hat and tails. I mean great big mechanical suits. When I was but a wee lad, I remember my best friend writing a story about a kid who found this mechanical suit and being able to do stuff. It was brilliant. I think from then onwards I have found a fascination for them.

In my earlier years I liked the mainstream items, so things from well known games publishers and miniature companies. I am fairly sure if you are reading this then you can guess the main manufacturer. I especially liked models in big over powered armour.

Moving on many years I found myself looking at things like Pacific Rim and thinking, those are absolutely amazing. I actually own two Jaegers.

Bracer and Obsidian
Bracer and Obsidian

As a side note (as I am prone to do) I read a few reviews which placed the Obsidian Fury over the Bracer Phoenix. For me, personally, I prefer the Bracer Phoenix by far. I mean just look at that leaping smashing pose!

But that aside I loved the movies and the TV show. I love watching the characters develop, and the massive over sized robots smacking each other around (the fight scenes are normally epic). But then I love being able to build the model. See it take shape piece by piece, and in having the option to add details to them. Then I love the option to customise the models.

After being mildly obsessed with the Jaegers in Pacific Rim I got my first Gundam models. While searching the web I found a model I loved the look of (the RG Freedom). I then did some more searching and in some areas people suggested doing a HG first. So like any good modeller I logged on and bought another model … I mean I had to!


The Double X (above) was an absolute joy to build. There are nub marks and loads of things I would do differently. But I love that model as the first one I ever built.

So why do I love the suits. The different styles, the unique layouts, the armaments are the first items. I love the unique way they are portrayed and the variations available. On the HeavyArms MG kit I love the fact you can pop open the cockpit in the chest and view the pilot. I guess there is still also that inner child in me who loves the idea of piloting such an amazing machine.

So in summary, I love anime for bringing these suits to more popular awareness, and spreading the love. I love the suits for their pure stature. The fun you can have building them, customising them and generally modelling them. Last night before going to bed I put the Double X in the pose above ready for the day Monday. So when I came down I could get to watch him fly 🙂

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The Witch from Mercury Words


If, like me, you are loving the Witch from Mercury, then you will undoubtedly be enjoying each aspect of the show. To that end like any science fiction or fantasy show sometimes a little help in understanding elements of the world can go a long way. The Witch from Mercury Words page is one of those pieces of help!

I was browsing the official site the other day when I came across a wonderful page. You can find the original page here.

In essence the page has some of the key words/terms that are used in the show along with the definitions of them.

While watching the show you can, on the whole, determine what most if not all of these terms mean. However, I feel it was a very nice touch of them to include the words list. For some people who may not have picked up on what various words mean it provides clarity. That, in my opinion, will allow them to enjoy the show even more.


The show itself is going from strength to strength, and I am thoroughly enjoying every episode. It has been a long time since I have actually enjoyed having to wait for an episode to be released. I am, on the whole, fairly impatient and enjoy binge watching shows.

To that end I have been utilising (available here). This has allowed me to binge watch Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny. Although I am at a point in the show where I am very unhappy with Shinn .. but I’ll leave that for another time!

But back to the original point! If you haven’t seen the page, use the link above. You may already know what all the words mean. I just feel that it was a nice touch by the people behind it to put it up.

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Anime Characters


Many people dismiss anime as cartoons. They are often looked down upon, or frowned upon. Why is a grown adult watching this show. Shouldn’t they be watching shows that are more suited to their age!

Well … firstly … there are so so so many things wrong with that way of thinking.

Firstly, I think it is important that we all need to realise that we enjoy different things. Some people like to sit out and listen to the birds, some like to jump out of planes, some like to play chess, and others like to watch anime. We shouldn’t judge others, and we shouldn’t tell them what they should, or shouldn’t be doing with their leisure time for enjoyment. It is like telling someone they are having fun wrong.

Secondly, I think that people are often to quick to dismiss anime. They are often multi layered, with you being able to tune in and enjoy them at whatever level works for you.

Want to watch big robots beat each other up … they have you covered.

Or do you want to watch a yellow octopus teach kids while they try and assassinate him … they have you covered.

Perhaps you want to watch the political manipulations of countries and the impacts those have on individuals … they have you covered.

Maybe you want to watch personal tragedy and heart wrenching life changing personal encounters … they have you covered.

Want to watch something that can leave you pondering the real world and how we constantly feed cycles of X (insert the relative trope there) … they have you covered

But I slightly digress! This is a post about Anime Characters!

So what is it that I love so much about Anime Characters. I think, for me personally, it is the breadth and depth of the characters. They aren’t afraid to show you the good, the bad, the good making bad decisions. You also get to see how these character’s grow.

At the moment I am watching Gundam Seed Destiny on crunchyroll (you can find it here). I find all the characters in the show engaging. There is personal growth, and development for them.

Athrun Zala
Athrun Zala

Athrun is a fantastic example of how the characters develop. Anime shows often take you step by step through the decisions that the characters make. How each decision, made at any given time, gives rise to further consequences, and changes in the characters view on life.

Kira Yamato
Kira Yamato

Kira is another key character in the show. Although he only really starts to come into his own once you are a few episodes in. Watching his actions not always have the effect he wants makes you really engage with the show, and helps to feed into the character development.

As the actions occur, the characters change. Unlike so many bland TV shows where characters suddenly act a given way because it is convenient. In anime shows the character development plays a key part to their success. You see how they made that decision, and why they made that deicsion.

I haven’t finished Gundam Seed Destiny yet, but I am certainly enjoying the ride!

If you have a favourite show or character then please let me know in the comments.

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