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A Mixed Bag

Model on adapter


Ok well, this should have been the next part of the Aile Strike build. However, procrastination, and the delivery of a second hand 3d printer both got in the way, making this a mixed bag! Then there was a few episodes of Knight’s and Magic on Crunchyroll.

So what have I been doing?

Thing I was doing Saturday

Well I did start to prep parts for the build. In fact here is the proof!

Bits Ready To Clean
Bits Ready To Clean

This little bag contains all the bits I need to build the next arm. I need to do the second cut wit the nippers, the clean-up, the final polish and assembly. They got cut out with the intention of me working on them this evening. However I just sort of had a nap and then struggled to get started again. However, tomorrow is another day!

What else have I been doing?

As you may, or may not, be aware, I listed some reasonably priced basic 1/144 bases recently. You can find them here. They are only £2 each a real bargain! However, I have been working on creating some 3d models to print for adapters to add to them as additions so that you can benefit from different adapter types if you want them.

Here is my first experiment.

As you can see it is in the planning and test phase at the moment. This version fits the double strike really nicely. I am, however, having issues with print consistency. Tomorrow I should have a new delivery of filament which I am hoping may resolve that problem. Being new to the whole 3d printing world, this is a whole new thing.

Once I manage to get the printer printing consistently, next will be testing various different sizes, shapes etc. to find what work best. As soon as I am happy with them they will go up as an optional add on to the stands. Current thinking is that the adapter would be something like 50p.


Apart from watching my 3d printer not do what I want it do, I did get some parts rough cut out. Hopefully tomorrow will be a more productive modelling day!

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