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GUNPRIMER Products now in Stock!



I am super happy to finally announce I have my first GUNPRIMER Products now in stock! I have to admit to being really hyped about these arriving! If you haven’t heard or seen the GUNPRIMER you can see their site here.

I have initially stocks the 4 things I thought may appeal to people initially.

Gate Remover Set Starter Kit

The first of these is the GUNPRIMER Gate Remover Set Starter Kit.


This set includes the Recover, the BALANCER (White) and RASER. You can find the product live on the shop now here! It really is a fantastic product. Everything from the presentation to the job these products do are absolutely fantastic. they are certainly, from my use of the BALANCERS, well worth the investment.


The second item I decided to stock initially was the RASER PLUS.

RASER Image 00

The RASER PLUS is designed as a heavy gate remover. So where there is more plastic left from the runner, to be able to quickly and efficiently clean that up, whilst leaving you with a beautiful looking piece at the end. You can find these on the shop here. The RASER PLUS is the next step up from the RASER that comes in the starter kit.


For my third and forth items I decided to stock are the GRAY and WHITE BALANCERS. These are the products that introduced me to the GUNPRIMER range, and so blew me away I felt I needed to make them more available for everyone!

GRAY BALANCERS are used to remove scratches. I use them all the time now on my models and they work wonders. The White BALANCERS have two different sides. The Green preps the piece you want to re shine / polish. The White side then polishes it up. The end results can be absolutely awesome. You can find the GRAY BALANCERS in the shop here. You can find the WHITE BALANCERS in the shop here.

If you haven’t seen them or used the products I would highly recommend checking them out. Have a look at the videos and consider giving them a test. I absolutely love the products.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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ModelKitsLtd Shop and Stock


Happy new year to everyone and welcome to my shop and stock update. I hope last year was filled with plenty of models to build, and I hope that this year brings plenty more models to build!

At I am constantly looking to bring in more stock and broaden the selection of products that we have available in the UK ready to ship.

My next order is due to be delivered by UPS on Wednesday the 4th of January 2023. Some of the items on the list have already been reserved for customers. So for example the Lfrith models I have coming in are already spoken for! However, there are plenty of other models coming into stock. In fact, I have 34 new products coming in!

Lfrith Kneeling
Lfrith Kneeling

If there is anything you are after specifically let me know and we can have a look at what is available and my unique pre-order no pre-order methodology.

If that isn’t enough to whet your appetite I also have the Gunprimer stock I ordered coming in hopefully this week also. You can see the full range of their stock here. If they have something you are interested in that I don’t have in stock please just let me know. I am more than happy to add specific items to my inventory if they are wanted by people. I will do some posts with the products once they are here and I have the opportunity to add them to the store.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


#gundam #gundammodel #model #kit #gunpla

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New Tools Coming – Gunprimer products


I am excited to let you know that in the new year I will be receiving stock of some of the Gunprimer products. It was amazing when I first saw them; their website (here) has great information on the products.

I was introduced to the Gunprimer products by a friend of mine who highly recommended them to me. After seeing the results from the photos they sent me I was impressed. They then, very kindly, gifted me a set. I was so absolutely stoked by the results these give that I contacted the manufacturer. I have been set up as a wholesaler, and put in, and paid for, my first order.

In the early part of next year I will be adding the following products to the online store:

I had, much to my shame, never heard of these products. They are however, absolutely stunning. They aid in the cleaning up of the model with respect to where you would have nub marks, and also help to restore the shine back to the plastic making it look as it nothing ever happened there.

I will cover the products in more detail in further posts along with examples of how they work, and how effective they are. If you haven’t tried them they are, honestly a game changer.

If you want to know more about these, or the availability and/or pricing please feel free to reach out to me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


#gundam #gundammodel #model #kit #gunpla