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Searching Bandai Spirits



If you aren’t familiar with it (I know a lot of you are), Bandai Spirits is the main web site that covers the Bandai products. They normally have all the information on the various suits and kits, and can be a good starting point for finding out information. I have found that when trying to find information I often find it quicker to tweak the URL than to use the interface.

So what’s the problem?

Well if you read and write Japanese then there is probably no issue at all. However, if like me, you are not fluent then you are going to need some help navigating the site, and searching it.

Step 1 the Browser

Step one is using your browser to help you. I use Chrome, but you can probably find similar options on other popular browsers. If you navigate to the Vertical ellipse in the top right corner, and then select settings you will get a popup with the settings window. Then select languages. In the preferred languages section make sure you have “Use Google Translate” turned on. Mine looks like this:

Language Settings
Language Settings

Next navigate to the Bandai Spirits products page, which you can find here. You should get the highlighted icon in your toolbar window, you may also be prompted by google translate to translate the page, so feel free to translate it at this stage.

Icons in browser tool bar
Icons in browser toolbar

Next you want to click the icon that is highlighted in the image above. This will popup a small menu with the option the “Always translate Japanese”. Tick this box. Now every time you visit the site it will automatically convert the pages to your language. This saves you having to click buttons every time. The popup should look like this:

Translate Popup
Translate Popup

Step 2 the Search

The search is quite powerful, however, I don’t find it as quick as tweaking the URL in the browser address bar.

A search string will look something like this:

So lets break this down.

SectionDescription first part of the URL. This won’t need to change.
freewordThe text to search for. The site searches content in Japanese, so either covert your text to Japanese or search for a generic term e.g.:
Valid Values:
Free Text.
year_frmStart date to search from. Entering year_frm=2000 returns all models from 2000 to the current day.
Valid Values:
4 digit number.
month_frmThe month (in the year specified above) to search for models from.
01, 02 etc. represent the months.
Valid Values:
2 digit number.
year_toEnd date to search for the model. Entering 2000 return only models before 2000.
Valid Values:
4 digit number.
month_toThe month (in the year specified above) to search for models before.
01, 02 etc. represent the months.
Valid Values:
2 digit number.
categoryLimits the search to only the category you are interested in.
Valid Values:
0 = Everything
1 = Gunpla
2 = Plastic Models (Including 30MM)
3 = Figures Metal Builds etc.
4 – Ichiban Kuji
5 = Prize / Banpresto
dsp_cntThe number of records to display on a page.
Valid Values:
sortControls whether the results are sorted by price or salesdate.
Works in conjunction with the order parameter below.
Valid Values:
charaCharacter name to search for.
Valid Values:
Free text
orderControls the sort order for the results.
Works in conjunction with the sort parameter above.
Valid Values:
asc – Release date newest first
desc – Release date oldest first
URL Options

Why would I ever do this?

When I am searching for a model I will often find it easier to tweak the parameters in the URL rather than bothering with the interface. For example by combining the from and to years I can narrow down the date range for the model I am looking for.

When I am listing Bandai products on the site for sale (shop available here) I like to include a link to the original Bandai Spirits information. This gives the customer the option to go and read what Bandai themselves have said about the model. This in turn has led me to have to pick out how to refine my searches as sometimes it can be difficult to find some of them, and, for me at least, I find tweaking the URL quicker than using the page.


In conclusion this may be something you never need to use. However, it is another little insight into the things I end up doing to try and maintain the quality of the information on the site and the products. I want to try and make things as accurate as possible, and not have you clicking on a product and just seeing some bland one liner. It may take me longer, but for me at least, it is worth the extra effort.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Bandai Pre-Orders



I have, on a few occasions, gone through my rationale for why I don’t handle pre-orders in the traditional sense. I could easily accept them (technology wise), and take deposits or other money up front. However, I am fundamentally against it. I feel the system does not giving me an ability to give you a realistic, and honest, timeframe.

What is a Pre-Order

For anyone who has never come across the term before here is a brief, and simplified explanation. For our purposes it is probably best to look at two distinct types of pre-order.

The first type is when the item has not yet been released. The supplier allows you to order the model, with the intention of supplying it as soon as it is released.

The second type is a when a supplier doesn’t have a previously released product in stock. You order it from them. They then put in an order with their supplier. The intention is to fulfil the order when it arrives in stock.

The lifecycle of releases

Before we go any further we should look at the life cycle of a product.

Simple Process Overview
Simple Process Overview

If you are interested in generating diagrams simply and easily then have a look at the mermaid live editor available here. It is free and incredibly powerful and simple to use.

First Type of Pre-Order

Ok so the process is simple enough. Bandai announce a new model. Customers put in pre orders with their shop of choice. The shop puts in pre orders with their distributor, and finally the distributor puts in its order with Bandai.

Bandai then does its manufacturing run. However, this is where the process begins to stumble. There is no guarantee that Bandai are going to have capacity to manufacture enough models to cover all of the pre orders. If not enough models are produced to cover the orders then Bandai distributes them using whatever model or technique they do (I have no idea what they use to select which stock goes where in what volume).

The distribution partners then distribute the stock they get to their customers (the shops). Often this is done on a first come first served basis. So the earlier the shop pre-ordered the more likely they are to get the stock they asked for. Finally, the shop then distributes any stock they get (they may get none from this production run) based on whatever methodology they use. I would imagine first come first served again, but I can’t speak from experience on that.

The whole process then repeats with any orders that were not met now top of the “first come first served” list.

Second Type of Pre-Order

The process for this is similar to above. You put in the order with a shop, they put in an order with their distributor, who puts in an order with Bandai. The main difference here is that there is no “release” date for the model so no hard and fast rule for when, or if, Bandai will do a run, or if they will decide to cease production of the model.

So what’s wrong with pre-orders?

There are a few issues, as far as I am concerned, as both a customer and a supplier, with these models.

Firstly Bandai may never re-run the production of the mode. No-one, it would seem, has any visibility outside of Bandai as to the future planned manufacturing schedule. If this were made more readily available then it would at least be a massive step forwards in my opinion.

Secondly, even if Bandai are going to re-manufacture the kit you are after, you have no idea when. It could be next week, next month, or next year. That level of uncertainty just isn’t, in my opinion, the way things should be done.

Finally, even if a manufacturing run is done, due to no visibility on numbers, and distribution, there is no guarantee your going to get your kit. You may have to wait for the next run, or the next, or the next. again, I personally, just don’t think this is the way things should be done.

But if I don’t pre-order I’ll never get one!

That is very true. Given the current system, the only hope of getting what you want is to throw your hat in the ring and hope you get lucky. I fully get why people pre-order. I’m sure I would do the same in that position. It is after all the only option people have had, till now.

So what else can I do?

I setup this company to help people like me, and like you, try and get our hands on the models we want, when we want them, for reasonable prices. The pre-order situation above left me feeling uncomfortable. I decided to implement my “no pre-order pre-order” policy.

In essence, if there is a kit you want, that you just can’t get then let me know. I will find it on the distributors site and confirm the model you are after. I will then put in an order for 1 of the model, and I will make a note of your name, and the model you were interested in.

If/when the model comes in, I will contact you prior to it arriving. All I need to know is would you still like it, yes/no. If the answer is no then I will list it on the site for general sale. If the answer is yes I will put it up with a pin and provide you the pin to access and order the model. There is no pressure, no heavy sales technique. I don’t need to know why the answer is no, I just need to know for how I list it to the site. I don’t take any payment up front, I may never get the model. However, if I do then you get first dibs on it.


Hopefully that is a bit clearer on the pre-order process, how it hangs together and why I view it the way I do. Remember, if you are looking for something just contact me! In fact here is a form to make it even easier!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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The Witch From Mercury


If you have been living under a Gundam wreck for the last year or so then you may have missed the fact that there is a new major show. I have, I will admit, come to this a little later than I would have hoped. However, in my defence that did allow me to binge watch the first few episodes of the show and really get into the world.


The new show “The Witch from Mercury” is a new main show from Sunrise. Sunrise itself is a subsidiary of Bandai Namco Holdings (I believe). Along with the new show there will be new models being released with my previous posts covering some of the models available from the range. You can find those here:


I have been enjoying the show. As I have written about previously I think it works on multiple levels, and is enjoyable however you wish to enjoy it. Whether that is looking at the changing of the guard, with the new / next generation of business leaders starting to wrestle control from their fathers/elders. Or, just a straight forward view of watching big mecha beat each other up.

The next episode (11 at the time of writing) is due on on Christmas day. I will, I think, be trying to find a space to watch it, as I was disappointed this Sunday didn’t have an episode.

Witch From Mercury

At the time of writing the show is due to air at 18:00 JST. With Japan being 9 hours ahead of GMT that means it will air in Japan at 11:00 GMT. I will be keeping a close eye on crunchyroll for when it appears so I can watch it.

I also believe the 12th episode is scheduled for the 8th of January at 18:00 JST so that should be running at 11:00 GMT as well.


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Entry Grade Models


Following on from yesterdays post, I wanted to showcase another Entry Grade model that is coming back in to stock, the RX-78-2 Full Weapon Set.

As I covered yesterday (here) the Entry Grade models seem to have a popularity all of their own. Today I wanted to look at the RX-78-2 Full Weapon Set as it really offers amazing value for money.

What is to love?

So what is it about this Entry Grade kit that I think makes it such good value, and such a great kit. I’ll start with the images.

Looking at those images, it is amazing that in an Entry Grade kit that Bandai have managed to create such an authentic looking, visually stunning suit. I realise that this is a suit that has been done many times, and was always going to be a stalwart, but for me it is a classic that I never tire of.

So not only do you get the model itself, which I absolutely love, you also get the additional weapons. These aid in creating the pose or scene that you really favour with the model. That is a lot of kit, for an absolutely amazing price. The accessories in this kit are.

  • Beam Rifle x 1
  • Shield x 1
  • Beam Saber x 2
  • Hyper Bazooka x 1
  • Beam Javelin x 1
  • Gundam Hammer x 1


With all this packed in to one kit I can see why it is popular with builders! I will have a couple of these in stock, once my new order is completed and in. This may be the new year, so stay posted and I’ll update everyone when I update the stock on the shop.

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RG Zaku II


Ok. I know I have done quite a few posts on the RG Zaku II. But I have to do this one, sort of a show and tell, after finally getting all the bits together to make him his own stand. I am quite proud of the final piece so I thought I would show off what my RG Zaku II looks like now complete.

Zaku II on Stand
Zaku II on Stand


After spending so long teasing this piece, and working on the model, I felt he really needed a decent display. I am lucky enough to have a Cricut machine. So I used that to cut out the logo and wording. I also happened to have the feet and acrylic sheet from thinking about this as an idea previously. The arm helping to support him was salvaged from some cheap imported stands I have. I will do a more detailed piece on the stand at some point in case anyone else wants to make one.

Final Lessons

I have learnt so much from this build. Firstly panel lining can go awry if you aren’t careful. Secondly, pieces can easily break if you are a bit of a muppet and try to bend something that doesn’t have a joint. Thirdly, panel lining really does make a world of different to a model.

The more I work with the models the more I appreciate the build, and the options available to customise them. Everything from decals, to painting, to custom builds. I can’t wait to do some more techniques and to improve on everything from my basic building skills, to my more advanced painting and customising.

If you would like to learn more about the suit then there is some fantastic information over here at

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The Witch From Mercury – Darilbalde


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The fourth suit I felt I should cover is the Darilbalde. In the Witch from Mercury this suit is manufactured by the Jeturk company.

You get a great view of this suit during a duel in the show (I am deliberately avoiding spoilers). The suit has an integrated AI which plays a big part in the development of that suits technology.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently March 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

I love the solid look of this suit. The large calf like sections and the whole bearing of this model make it look/feel beefy. I am not 100% sure on the shoulders, but it does provide a very distinctive look. The head/helmet piece is also very distinctive with the arch piece at the back. I also note that the feet are very much in the current style that seem to be getting designed. This seems to be with a larger heel a gap and then the front of the foot, more like a shoe with a heel. If you want to learn more about this fantastic model/character/suit then please check out this link which has some great information.


I think this has the potential not only to be a very satisfying build, but it would offer an awesome presence on the shelf with other models! Also looking at those images there looks to be plenty of surface area to place decals. All told I think this will be an exciting model when people get it.

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The Witch From Mercury – PHARACT


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The third suit I felt I should cover is the Pharact. In the Witch from Mercury this suit is manufactured by Peil Technologies. Despite the laws/rules against it, they have also implemented the GUND Format in this suit.

When you get to see this suit in battle it is absolutely fantastic. Agile, and with the ability to temporarily disable/stun elements of enemy suits. It is totally different to how the other suits operate.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently March 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

As can be seen in the images above the suit has a quite spindly look, especially around the legs and arms. The boosters/jets on the shoulders add a unique character, and work to complement the otherwise very lithe figure. Even the main gun is long and thin as opposed to some of the more chunky rifles carried by other models. I also like the unique foot style/shape they have given this model. All told I think it looks fantastic and I can’t wait to see peoples builds of them. If you want to learn more about this fantastic model/character/suit then please check out this link which has some great information.


I am really excited to see this kit when it is more readily available. I think the way the model is quite thin looking, it will be interesting to see how it builds for people, and their feedback in the forums.

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The Witch From Mercury – DEMI TRAINER


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The second suit I felt I should cover is the Demi trainer. In the Witch from Mercury these suits are used in training exercises.

You get to see multiple characters piloting these suits. They are solid all rounders which allow both pilots and mechanics the opportunity to work on the basics.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently January 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

As can be seen from the images above, the suit has been designed to reflect its place in the world. It is a utility design, functional, and practical. However, I admit to finding it has quite a basic charm, and in some ways hearkens back to some of the early models along with the chest piece design. All that basic functionality aside, there are little details like the head shape, and the beefier forearms that add real character to the model.


I am really excited to see this kit when it is released. It will be interesting to see if the builds of this model will be as enjoyable as some of the other models. However, looking at the price point of this model I think it could be ripe for people buying multiple copies for customisation and dioramas.

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The Witch From Mercury – Aerial


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The first suit I felt I should cover is the XVX-016 Gundam Aerial. It should be noted that these are referred to in the show as GUND-ARM and are driven using the GUND Format.

The Aerial suit, is piloted by the main protagonist of the show Suletta. It is, in my humble opinion, an absolutely fantastic look suit. I also think it makes an absolutely fantastic model.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently April 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

As can be seen from the images above, a lot of time and care has gone into making this model. I think it is similar enough to other suits to spot it as a Gundam model, but distinctive enough that it stands up in its own right.

As can be seen in the last image “Stance and Shield” the shield splits apart. I absolutely love this, as it is one of the most striking parts of the model in the show (in my opinion). I love the effect in the show, and I am really happy they have replicated it in the model.


I am really excited to see this kit when it is released. It looks absolutely amazing, and if the build is as enjoyable as the show, and just looking at the images, it will be an absolute pleasure to build.

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After much debating I decided that store should have the ability to purchase models. Initially I am in the process of trying to put together the necessary contacts to import the models. Once that is in order I can make them available to everyone in the UK at competitive prices.

I want to ensure that the store provides everyone who loves the hobby the ability to purchase or request the models they want to buy.

If things work out I will have everything put together as soon as possible. However, as you can imagine as a new venture there are a lot of things I need to consider. My plan is to put everything in place, so that once I start listing items you will have minimal delay from ordering to the goods arriving.

Can you help?

I am open to suggestions or queries on items people would like to be able to buy. That can be anything from what would be the best price for something, to an item they just can’t source.

I haven’t advertised or really put this out there yet, I want to wait till I have everything sorted. If, however, you stumble across my blog in these early days please feel free to let people know.

I realise this is a fairly short update but at the moment everything really is in the early stages. As soon as I hear more then I will update everyone.

While I wait for this to get sorted, why not check out my post on where to start here.

There is also found this awesome wiki that you can read through which is packed with information.

I want to ensure that I stock the items that you want, so feel free to drop me an email at [email protected] and I will see what I can sort once everything is in place.