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28/05/2023 Update



Good morning, and welcome to the 28/05/2023 Update. I wanted to cover a few things and just update everyone so they know where I am at!


As you may, or may not, know I stock Delpi Decals. I am working on building up the supply I have in the UK. A couple of weeks ago my latest order came in. However, last week I was sick all week so I haven’t gotten everything done I was planning on doing. I just need to work my way through the decals and grab the barcodes then I’m good to go with those!


I have also been beavering away trying to continue increasing my available stock. For anyone new here I don’t list anything I don’t already have my hands on. If it is on the shop then it is in my storage where I can get it and post it. My next delivery has got a handful of more Good Smile kits as well as some very tasty Bandai kits.

MGSD Freedom

Using my no-pre-order system I have, as far as I am aware, sorted MGSD kits for everyone who got back to me wanting one. With that in mind I have now made the rest of them generally available on the site. Why not go to the shop and treat yourself!



Hopefully the 28/05/2023 update has brought everyone back up to speed. As always if there are any questions then please just let me know.

Thank you everyone and have a great week!

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A Mixed Bag

Model on adapter


Ok well, this should have been the next part of the Aile Strike build. However, procrastination, and the delivery of a second hand 3d printer both got in the way, making this a mixed bag! Then there was a few episodes of Knight’s and Magic on Crunchyroll.

So what have I been doing?

Thing I was doing Saturday

Well I did start to prep parts for the build. In fact here is the proof!

Bits Ready To Clean
Bits Ready To Clean

This little bag contains all the bits I need to build the next arm. I need to do the second cut wit the nippers, the clean-up, the final polish and assembly. They got cut out with the intention of me working on them this evening. However I just sort of had a nap and then struggled to get started again. However, tomorrow is another day!

What else have I been doing?

As you may, or may not, be aware, I listed some reasonably priced basic 1/144 bases recently. You can find them here. They are only ÂŁ2 each a real bargain! However, I have been working on creating some 3d models to print for adapters to add to them as additions so that you can benefit from different adapter types if you want them.

Here is my first experiment.

As you can see it is in the planning and test phase at the moment. This version fits the double strike really nicely. I am, however, having issues with print consistency. Tomorrow I should have a new delivery of filament which I am hoping may resolve that problem. Being new to the whole 3d printing world, this is a whole new thing.

Once I manage to get the printer printing consistently, next will be testing various different sizes, shapes etc. to find what work best. As soon as I am happy with them they will go up as an optional add on to the stands. Current thinking is that the adapter would be something like 50p.


Apart from watching my 3d printer not do what I want it do, I did get some parts rough cut out. Hopefully tomorrow will be a more productive modelling day!

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RG Gundam Aile Strike 1/144

RG Aile Strike


I currently have a box in my living room. In that box should be 5 RG Gundam Aile Strike models. I picked them up partially because I think they look amazing, and partially because I may nab one for myself!

If you haven’t seen it the model looks like this:

Aile Strike
Aile Strike


The model was originally released in April 2011 and featured the latest advancements in joint technology. It was also the 3rd model released in the commemoration of 30 years of Gunpla.

The suit itself was first introduced in Gundam Seed (a show I still need to watch despite having already watched Gundam Seed Destiny … yes I know the wrong order:) ). It was originally piloted by Kita Yamato.

If you want to see a full detail of the kit, and the parts, and the general makup have a look at the information on Note you will want to have your translation software/plugin/extension of choice to hand unless you happen to read Korean.

One of the items I found interesting reading through the information there, is that like other RG models the hand consists of multiple parts. As a result this leads to it being split into a palm, the thumb as it’s own jointed part, the index finger as it’s own jointed part, and the middle, ring and little fingers all forming the final jointed part. Subsequently the separation provides a much larger range of posing and options with the hand. It is one of the items I find absolutely amazing with these kits.


As can be seen by looking at the model images, and the quite comprehensive images on the dalong website I think this looks like a phenomenal kit. The little details, like the styling on the shield, and the slightly tapered in calf / lower leg, all give this a really unique and stylish look. As a result I think I may just be talking myself into getting one into my backlog!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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How many is too many



I will be honest, I had a few options around this post. I wasn’t sure whether to just look at it from the point of how many is too many when looking at the model count. But then I could look at it from the backlog point of view. Then I realised I may as well write a paragraph or two on each!

Total Model Count

So I guess the first angle I should look at is can you have too many models? I mean the obvious answer is obviously no! However, should you look at packing / storing some and displaying a select few models, or would you rather get them all out? I think, the reality, for a lot of modellers, is that their display space is limited. If that isn’t the case then I say go wild! Shelves, display cases, even from the ceiling or magnetised! If you have the space then go for as many models as you are happy with.

As I say I think for the majority of us we have limited display space. At the moment I’m using the top of my freezer to stand 3 models and a Harry Potter Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes shop model. The space there is limited. I will, I think have to look at a system. Ultimately I think I may look to break them into seasons or months, and cycle them round. The only model that I have that will survive this drastic measure is the Double X. It was my first Gundam and I love it nubs and all.


I often see people shifting their collections to either make space, or to make room for other models. There certainly seem to be plenty of people who are happy to buy pre-built models. Some to display, some to use as parts, some for kit bashes, and others to practice techniques on. So I guess once you have had your enjoyment from a model is it best to just let it go and find a new home?

Ultimately I would say, if you are happy, then there is no count that is too high!


I recently asked a variation of this question on a forum. Ultimately the feedback would seem to be that there is no such thing as too big a backlog. For some people they buy build and buy again. Others prefer to ensure that there is no chance they will ever run out. Whichever side of the fence you fall, or if you are somewhere in between, it is fair to say that there is no right or wrong answer.

Again, as with display space, having space to keep your backlog can become an issue. A lot of people are working with limited space, and I get the feeling that a lot of peoples backlog size is dictated as much by available space as it is desire to not have too many there.

My backlog isn’t too bad at the moment. I have 1 MG, 1RG, and the USS Voyager to build. I have however also got a Kotobukiya Muv-Luv Shiranui Second Yuya Bridges model coming from ebay. I also put in an order with my supplier to try and get a hold of some of the models for the shop … well ok I ordered 2 of 1 of the models… the other 6 or so were for me … I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it!


How many is too many is a very subjective question. There are likely to be people in your life who tell you that you have too many models, or kits to build. I would say it is your hobby and as long as it is not disruptive, as long as you aren’t spending money you need for food, heating, rent etc. then where you spend your money is your decision. A bit like the gambling adverts say, when the fun stops stop. It is similar with the models. As long as you are enjoying the hobby then carry on. Personally I am loving all the options, and exploring the painting, lighting, and dioramas, as well as just straight builds. As long as I am enjoying myself then I will continue to build!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Airbrush Clogging



Airbrush clogging is a problem I have had since returning to modelling, and deciding to look to do custom paint jobs on some I have returned to using my airbrush. Airbrushes have, in my opinion, many advantages with traditional brush painting. Don’t get me wrong, there are still parts that I favour brush painting for. However, if you want to get good smooth coverage, and beautiful blends an airbrush really is outstanding.

The setup

Now fortunately for me, I still had my original airbrush compressor and tank. It does, I admit require new feet, but on the whole it works. The brush itself is an Iwata Neo that I picked up a few months ago. I do have some cheaper brushes that I may use for more general base coats etc.

The problem

So as the title would suggest I have been having major issues with my airbrush clogging. On the whole this happens most when trying to do the base coating on the parts. I decided to do some research on potential causes, and potential fixes.

Iwata Neo
Iwata Neo

Dirty Airbrush

So the first thing I came across was that the airbrush itself could be dirty. In as much that if there is old paint / paint particles / chunks in the airbrush that haven’t been cleaned out they could cause it to clog.

The solution to this one is pretty simple. Strip the airbrush down and thoroughly clean. If there are manufacturers instructions on cleaning the airbrush then follow those. If not there are loads of youtube tutorials on cleaning airbrushes. This one for example goes through it in quite a lot of detail.

Damaged Needle

So a good way to check the needle is to remove it from the airbrush, then draw it backwards through a piece of tissue paper. If you feel any snagging or catching you potentially have a bent tip. At that point replacing the needle is really your only option.

Paint Viscosity

Basically this is how watery / flowy the paint is. On the whole the advice I got on the forums was you want your primer to flow with the consistency of milk. If the paint is to thick then it can clog the airbrush and give you real issues. At this point you are going to want to tip out any remaining paint, and start trying to clean it with airbrush cleaner. I’ll often try and get it to back flow to shift anything stuck back into the cleaner to help dissolve it.

If you don’t know what back flow is you cover the end of the airbrush with your finger (please ensure the needle cap is on) and then activate the airbrush as if you were going to spray a little paint. The air is forced back and into the paint pot. If you have cleaner or water or paint in there it will bubble a little. Do this a few times, then empty the pot and clean again and test spraying. If you really can’t get it to unblock then do a total strip and clean of the airbrush.


In essence as soon as you have put that paint into the pot it is going to start to dry. Dried paint makes bits which can clog the airbrush. Don’t put too much paint in the pot and feel free to give it a rinse through every few minutes to keep it clear and working properly.

Dry Tip

This is quite a simple one. The paint is being blown out the end of your airbrush. When this happens some of it will dry, teeny tiny bits. The longer you airbrush for, the more teeny tiny bits will stick eventually messing up the air flow and clogging the brush. One tip I found was to keep a small bit of sponge to hand soaked in water or cleaner or the like, and every couple of minutes or so give the tip a clean. Essentially just keep removing those teeny tiny bits and keep the air flowing. The other side effect of not doing this is you may periodically get bits blown off the needle onto your work area ruining what you are painting.


For my personal journey I’m due to try again this weekend. Testing different things to try and alleviate my clogging issues. My advice for anyone having problems would be change 1 thing at a time. Eliminate it as a problem, then change the next. You want to know ultimately what fixed your problem. In all likelihood it will be a combination of things.

Airbrush clogging is without a doubt a frustration. But with time, practice and patience, I’m sure I’ll work it out, and I recon you can too!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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P-Bandai Forgotten Europe

MG 1/100 Blast Impulse


OK I better start this by saying this is purely an opinion piece on why I think we are in a P-Bandai forgotten Europe. You can take it or leave it as however works for you. I want to outline the frustrations that we, or at least I, have around P-Bandai products.

What is it?

P-Bandai are premium Bandai products, and from out point of view, they release limited edition GunPla. I know this doesn’t sound like a lot, especially given the models we do get, but they can’t be directly sourced within Europe. You can find the P-Bandai page here. What is great is when you go to this page, you will (normally) see all the areas / regions they deal with directly, and subsequently you will notice Europe is missing.

MG 1/100 Blast Impulse
MG 1/100 Blast Impulse

This bad boy is on the USA store.

Why don’t we get any?

Ok this is where I start going into the realms of personal conjecture. I think for some time Bandai as an organisation has seen GunPla within Europe, and the UK, as niche with not having the level of demand as other areas. Couple this with the limited production capacity and they are, I believe, focusing predominantly on The home markets, and the US, as being large consumers. I do think this opinion is changing, but slowly.

Can we get any?

Some online stores get stock of them. Whether they order from an external third party, and have them shipped on I couldn’t say. But yes there are online stores that do sell them. I would say that, again in my opinion, this is likely to end up costing us (the UK consumers more) as their overheads are more likely higher. I don’t blame the shops for that, it is the cost of bringing them in, and is outside their control.


So in short, I just don’t think Bandai has realised the European potential, and with limited production capacity they focus on the home markets.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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News Roundup – 19/01/2023


News Roundup – 19/01/2023 sums up the items I’ve browsed in the last week that I hope people will find interesting if they haven’t already seen them. As well as the news items this last week has been interesting to say the least! I managed to get my new stock listed, and I also managed to order some more items as well!

Bandai Hobby Net have an article that shows off the MGEX 1/100 Strike Freedom due out later in the year. You can see the original article here. The MGEX line are Master Grade Extreme models, and if this is anything to go by they are going to be stunning.

MGEX Strike Freedom
MGEX Strike Freedom

Everything about this looks amazing. Head over to Bandai Hobby net and have a look!

The Witch From Mercury

Gundam Info have run a good article showing that models from the Witch from Mercury have started shipping. The article can be found here. I personally think some of these are the best looking models I have seen in a long time. But then I may also be biased as I think the show is awesome too! They also ran an article on other suits from the series due out soon, you can find that one here.

While we are talking about Gundam Info they also have Episode 3 of the Witch from Mercury. The page where they announced that is here.


This year has already seen plenty of information on new releases, and I’m sure, well hopeful, there will be plenty more. With Bandai UK also looking to help start supplying the UK there should be more access to models, and more access (hopefully) to exclusives.

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Company Culture Building the Base



Company Culture Building the Base is about the core fundamentals of a business, what I see them as, and what I see as important. It is also about how I see that growing, and why it is important.

What is the base?

When I think of the base, I’m thinking of you, the customer. I started the company with set ideals, and set ideas, and I want to stay true to them. I am, and will always be an avid gamer, RPG player/writer, and modeller. Being able to get the models I want when I want for a fair price has, at times been a challenge. I want to make sure that I cater to all you modellers out there who want models to build. Good/sound business tactics would tell you to look at the core, ensure you focus everything on a specific demographic. To a degree I get that, but at the same time I refuse to turn my back on anyone. As far as I am concerned modelling as a hobby should be for everyone.

RG God Gundam .. just because it looks cool

How do you reach the customer base?

This one isn’t so easy. The internet is a big place, and people are spread far and wide. I, however, count myself as exceptionally lucky with being a part of a community that existed long before I was into GunPla models. But that is only one way to reach potential customers and make them aware of anything, and everything you have to offer. Predominantly these communities are for discussion and enthusiasts and as such I try very hard to not be overtly “selling myself”. I try and separate my “advert” posts from my normal, genuine interest in the hobby posts. I think of that as just trying to be a good internet citizen.

There are other ways as well. Being a small business my funds, as you would expect, are not the same as a much larger organisation. That leads me to try and focus as much of my resources as possible into the places I can, and to make use of the free offerings. One thing I do is to ensure that I complete the settings for the free google listings, and I also try to ensure that my posts conform to have a good SEO score.

I also have my own “Company” facebook page. I am fortunate, and very grateful for all the people who like and follow my page. It offers me another way to engage with the community. As with other communities I try and limit any “Adverts” to one a week, or new stock. I want people to be able to engage with the topics of the models and the whole scene around it. The anime, the customising, the building, the dioramas. I want people to have a place where I can post interesting articles and hopefully help fellow enthusiasts find new and interesting content.

There are also shows and events. So far I haven’t been able to attend any, but then I’ve only been trading really for 4 or 5 months! The company was formed around June last year but I still had to get stock in etc. I want to attend shows in the future to showcase the models, and to hopefully let people see all those boxes in person! I will be having a look, and a think about the logistics. This stock takes up a lot of room!

So what have I learnt?

I have been on a constant learning curve all the way so far on this journey. Every day teaches me something new. However the thing that keeps me going is you, the community, the people. I am no different to every single one of you out there. Getting my models, building them. Looking for the best way to make them unique and customise them. Taking part in the discussions and seeing the fantastic models people create. The clean builds, the models that have all the decals and panel lining, and the weathered or otherwise customised jobs. It makes all the time and effort worth it. So as far as “Company Culture and Building the Base”, I will keep taking part, enjoying being a part of the community as I look to slowly grow the business. As long as I stay true to my original ideals then that works for me.

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News roundup 10/01/2023


The Witch From Mercury

In case you missed it the 12th episode of The Witch From Mercury aired this Friday. It was, to say the least, absolutely epic. It contained everything, in my opinion, that you could ask for from an episode. I watch the episodes on crunchyroll ( It is subscription based, but I believe you can still get a free trial. I will be honest, we (me and the kids) watch a fair amount of Anime so I just ponied up for the top tier subscription.

The twitter account also posted up confirming that Season 2 (rumoured to be another 12 episodes) will start airing in April. To say I am excited for this would be an understatement.

HG 1/144 Gundam Aerial (Modified)

Bandai Hobby have announced that the new Aerial HG model here.


The model is based on the upgraded main suit from the Witch from Mercury. I believe this new model is currently pencilled in for release in March 2023. As with all these things sometimes the dates slip, however, I would imagine it won’t move much as I can imagine Bandai will be keen to get these in peoples hands.

P-Bandai Spartan

Feburary 2023 should see the release of the P-Bandai HG 1/144 GM Spartan. You can find the page information here.

I will admit I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on this is looks like an absolutely amazing model.

HG 1/144 GM Spartan
HG 1/144 GM Spartan

I think there is something exceptional about this model. I wish that we could get P-Bandai stuff in on wholesale in the UK to make them available to you all!

That sums up my brief news roundup from the last week.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Anime and Suits


I love both anime and suits. Now I don’t mean bow tie and top hat and tails. I mean great big mechanical suits. When I was but a wee lad, I remember my best friend writing a story about a kid who found this mechanical suit and being able to do stuff. It was brilliant. I think from then onwards I have found a fascination for them.

In my earlier years I liked the mainstream items, so things from well known games publishers and miniature companies. I am fairly sure if you are reading this then you can guess the main manufacturer. I especially liked models in big over powered armour.

Moving on many years I found myself looking at things like Pacific Rim and thinking, those are absolutely amazing. I actually own two Jaegers.

Bracer and Obsidian
Bracer and Obsidian

As a side note (as I am prone to do) I read a few reviews which placed the Obsidian Fury over the Bracer Phoenix. For me, personally, I prefer the Bracer Phoenix by far. I mean just look at that leaping smashing pose!

But that aside I loved the movies and the TV show. I love watching the characters develop, and the massive over sized robots smacking each other around (the fight scenes are normally epic). But then I love being able to build the model. See it take shape piece by piece, and in having the option to add details to them. Then I love the option to customise the models.

After being mildly obsessed with the Jaegers in Pacific Rim I got my first Gundam models. While searching the web I found a model I loved the look of (the RG Freedom). I then did some more searching and in some areas people suggested doing a HG first. So like any good modeller I logged on and bought another model … I mean I had to!


The Double X (above) was an absolute joy to build. There are nub marks and loads of things I would do differently. But I love that model as the first one I ever built.

So why do I love the suits. The different styles, the unique layouts, the armaments are the first items. I love the unique way they are portrayed and the variations available. On the HeavyArms MG kit I love the fact you can pop open the cockpit in the chest and view the pilot. I guess there is still also that inner child in me who loves the idea of piloting such an amazing machine.

So in summary, I love anime for bringing these suits to more popular awareness, and spreading the love. I love the suits for their pure stature. The fun you can have building them, customising them and generally modelling them. Last night before going to bed I put the Double X in the pose above ready for the day Monday. So when I came down I could get to watch him fly 🙂

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