Blog Posts

  • Advert / Stock 29/01/2023

    Advert / Stock 29/01/2023 is a quick update on the stock and the shop and a blatant advert for the shop 🙂 The items below you will need to contact me directly, however, I have provided quick links to the store and the specific grades at the bottom of the post for all other models.…

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  • Guess The Model Part 4

    Introduction Guess The Model Part 4 is the latest instalment in my current model build. As I follow the manual and build it section by section. If you missed them the previous parts are available here: Today’s Part With yesterdays part being the right arm, it is probably not a shock that today we have…

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  • Guess The Model Part 3

    Introduction Guess The Model Part 3 is the latest instalment in my current model build. As I follow the manual and build it section by section. If you missed them the previous parts are available here: Today’s Part Next up in the manual I am going to be building the right arm. Something I have…

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  • GUNPRIMER Balancers

    Introduction Ok so I was planning on this being Part 3 of the guess the model series. However, I found I had a great opportunity to show people why I love the GUNPRIMER Balancers so much! What are they? They come in two colours and you want them both. The GRAY sticks remove scratches from…

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  • Guess the Model – Part 2

    Introduction Welcome back to “Guess the Model – Part 2” the second instalment in my latest guess the model series. If you want to catch up Part 1 is here. I did a quick summary of the tools I was using, and then got right on into it! Todays Part Todays part is short and…

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