Blog Posts

  • More About Stock!

    Introduction More About Stock is a quick update on what I have been adding to the store and an update on where I am with the decals. Decals I am beginning to work my way through all the people who had asked for specific decals. Once that is all sorted then I will be able…

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  • Advert / Stock / General Update

    Introduction Welcome to the “Advert / Stock / General Update” post. My first one in a while so let me get people up to speed. General Update I decided to have a look at the site and some of the usability. I have made some minor tweaks, but the biggest change is the product specific…

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  • Advert / Stock 19/03/2023

    Introduction Welcome to “Advert / Stock 19/03/2023” a quick roundup of the week, the stock and an advert for the shop. Before I get into it I wanted to apologise for the lack of posts over the last week. With balancing everything I just didn’t get time to do any posts this week. I will…

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  • Advert / Stock 12/03/2023

    Welcome to “Advert / Stock 12/03/2023” this weeks update on the stock and a quick thank you to all the people out there who have supported us with views, and purchases. Model Kits Ltd is a small independent (me) run online model kit shop. I have a very simple ethos. To do my best to…

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  • RG Aile Strike Build Day 12

    Introduction Welcome to “RG Aile Strike Build Day 12” where I am building up an RG Aile strike model. If you haven’t read any of the other parts I would recommend going back to the start. You can find that here. In the first post I covered the box, runners and provide the manual. I…

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