Blog Posts

  • Anime Characters

    Many people dismiss anime as cartoons. They are often looked down upon, or frowned upon. Why is a grown adult watching this show. Shouldn’t they be watching shows that are more suited to their age! Well … firstly … there are so so so many things wrong with that way of thinking. Firstly, I think…

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  • Bandai Pre-Orders

    Introduction I have, on a few occasions, gone through my rationale for why I don’t handle pre-orders in the traditional sense. I could easily accept them (technology wise), and take deposits or other money up front. However, I am fundamentally against it. I feel the system does not giving me an ability to give you…

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  • ModelKitsLtd Shop and Stock

    Happy new year to everyone and welcome to my shop and stock update. I hope last year was filled with plenty of models to build, and I hope that this year brings plenty more models to build! At I am constantly looking to bring in more stock and broaden the selection of products that…

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  • Entry Grade (EG) Model Options

    I mentioned in my earlier posts that I have a re-stock of some Entry Grade (EG) models coming in. I thought I would go through some of the things that are possible with these models. There are so many model options with these I think they are sometimes overlooked. Firstly I think for the money…

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  • Christmas Kits 2022 and Toys

    Christmas has been and gone. Hopefully people got kits, toys, and modelling supplies. I know there is nothing quite like making sure your backlog has some height to it! If you haven’t got anything over the last week fear not! I have plenty of kits in stock with more coming and being listed from Friday.…

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