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Model Kits Ltd


As you all know, hopefully, this has been an exciting, and frustrating week for me so far.

On one hand my first order of items from GUNPRIMER arrived. All their items look absolutely stunning. The Starter Set (which you can find here), BALANCERS (which you can find here and here), and the RASER PLUS (available here). If you haven’t seen their products or site have a look, you can find it here.


I did a whole post on them when I got them listed on the site which if you want you can read here. Suffice to say I was super happy to get these in and listed on the site. Hopefully you will all find them as awesome as I do!

Now, on the other hand, I am still waiting on my delivery of stock. So far I have been provided dates from the 30th December, 3rd of Jan, 4th of Jan, 5th of Jan, 6th of Jan, and currently it is showing as the 9th of Jan. I am, I admit, very frustrated with this. There are some awesome items in there which I am super excited to get in.

However, all of that is outside of my control! So in the meantime, while we wait for that to arrive. Why don’t you have a look at the shop (here). As well as the GUNPRIMER stuff added this week, there are already some awesome models on there. Why not treat yourself to 1 .. or 2 … or 3 🙂


Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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The Witch from Mercury Words


If, like me, you are loving the Witch from Mercury, then you will undoubtedly be enjoying each aspect of the show. To that end like any science fiction or fantasy show sometimes a little help in understanding elements of the world can go a long way. The Witch from Mercury Words page is one of those pieces of help!

I was browsing the official site the other day when I came across a wonderful page. You can find the original page here.

In essence the page has some of the key words/terms that are used in the show along with the definitions of them.

While watching the show you can, on the whole, determine what most if not all of these terms mean. However, I feel it was a very nice touch of them to include the words list. For some people who may not have picked up on what various words mean it provides clarity. That, in my opinion, will allow them to enjoy the show even more.


The show itself is going from strength to strength, and I am thoroughly enjoying every episode. It has been a long time since I have actually enjoyed having to wait for an episode to be released. I am, on the whole, fairly impatient and enjoy binge watching shows.

To that end I have been utilising (available here). This has allowed me to binge watch Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny. Although I am at a point in the show where I am very unhappy with Shinn .. but I’ll leave that for another time!

But back to the original point! If you haven’t seen the page, use the link above. You may already know what all the words mean. I just feel that it was a nice touch by the people behind it to put it up.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Searching Bandai Spirits



If you aren’t familiar with it (I know a lot of you are), Bandai Spirits is the main web site that covers the Bandai products. They normally have all the information on the various suits and kits, and can be a good starting point for finding out information. I have found that when trying to find information I often find it quicker to tweak the URL than to use the interface.

So what’s the problem?

Well if you read and write Japanese then there is probably no issue at all. However, if like me, you are not fluent then you are going to need some help navigating the site, and searching it.

Step 1 the Browser

Step one is using your browser to help you. I use Chrome, but you can probably find similar options on other popular browsers. If you navigate to the Vertical ellipse in the top right corner, and then select settings you will get a popup with the settings window. Then select languages. In the preferred languages section make sure you have “Use Google Translate” turned on. Mine looks like this:

Language Settings
Language Settings

Next navigate to the Bandai Spirits products page, which you can find here. You should get the highlighted icon in your toolbar window, you may also be prompted by google translate to translate the page, so feel free to translate it at this stage.

Icons in browser tool bar
Icons in browser toolbar

Next you want to click the icon that is highlighted in the image above. This will popup a small menu with the option the “Always translate Japanese”. Tick this box. Now every time you visit the site it will automatically convert the pages to your language. This saves you having to click buttons every time. The popup should look like this:

Translate Popup
Translate Popup

Step 2 the Search

The search is quite powerful, however, I don’t find it as quick as tweaking the URL in the browser address bar.

A search string will look something like this:

So lets break this down.

SectionDescription first part of the URL. This won’t need to change.
freewordThe text to search for. The site searches content in Japanese, so either covert your text to Japanese or search for a generic term e.g.:
Valid Values:
Free Text.
year_frmStart date to search from. Entering year_frm=2000 returns all models from 2000 to the current day.
Valid Values:
4 digit number.
month_frmThe month (in the year specified above) to search for models from.
01, 02 etc. represent the months.
Valid Values:
2 digit number.
year_toEnd date to search for the model. Entering 2000 return only models before 2000.
Valid Values:
4 digit number.
month_toThe month (in the year specified above) to search for models before.
01, 02 etc. represent the months.
Valid Values:
2 digit number.
categoryLimits the search to only the category you are interested in.
Valid Values:
0 = Everything
1 = Gunpla
2 = Plastic Models (Including 30MM)
3 = Figures Metal Builds etc.
4 – Ichiban Kuji
5 = Prize / Banpresto
dsp_cntThe number of records to display on a page.
Valid Values:
sortControls whether the results are sorted by price or salesdate.
Works in conjunction with the order parameter below.
Valid Values:
charaCharacter name to search for.
Valid Values:
Free text
orderControls the sort order for the results.
Works in conjunction with the sort parameter above.
Valid Values:
asc – Release date newest first
desc – Release date oldest first
URL Options

Why would I ever do this?

When I am searching for a model I will often find it easier to tweak the parameters in the URL rather than bothering with the interface. For example by combining the from and to years I can narrow down the date range for the model I am looking for.

When I am listing Bandai products on the site for sale (shop available here) I like to include a link to the original Bandai Spirits information. This gives the customer the option to go and read what Bandai themselves have said about the model. This in turn has led me to have to pick out how to refine my searches as sometimes it can be difficult to find some of them, and, for me at least, I find tweaking the URL quicker than using the page.


In conclusion this may be something you never need to use. However, it is another little insight into the things I end up doing to try and maintain the quality of the information on the site and the products. I want to try and make things as accurate as possible, and not have you clicking on a product and just seeing some bland one liner. It may take me longer, but for me at least, it is worth the extra effort.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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GUNPRIMER Products now in Stock!



I am super happy to finally announce I have my first GUNPRIMER Products now in stock! I have to admit to being really hyped about these arriving! If you haven’t heard or seen the GUNPRIMER you can see their site here.

I have initially stocks the 4 things I thought may appeal to people initially.

Gate Remover Set Starter Kit

The first of these is the GUNPRIMER Gate Remover Set Starter Kit.


This set includes the Recover, the BALANCER (White) and RASER. You can find the product live on the shop now here! It really is a fantastic product. Everything from the presentation to the job these products do are absolutely fantastic. they are certainly, from my use of the BALANCERS, well worth the investment.


The second item I decided to stock initially was the RASER PLUS.

RASER Image 00

The RASER PLUS is designed as a heavy gate remover. So where there is more plastic left from the runner, to be able to quickly and efficiently clean that up, whilst leaving you with a beautiful looking piece at the end. You can find these on the shop here. The RASER PLUS is the next step up from the RASER that comes in the starter kit.


For my third and forth items I decided to stock are the GRAY and WHITE BALANCERS. These are the products that introduced me to the GUNPRIMER range, and so blew me away I felt I needed to make them more available for everyone!

GRAY BALANCERS are used to remove scratches. I use them all the time now on my models and they work wonders. The White BALANCERS have two different sides. The Green preps the piece you want to re shine / polish. The White side then polishes it up. The end results can be absolutely awesome. You can find the GRAY BALANCERS in the shop here. You can find the WHITE BALANCERS in the shop here.

If you haven’t seen them or used the products I would highly recommend checking them out. Have a look at the videos and consider giving them a test. I absolutely love the products.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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The Witch from Mercury – Blu-Ray!

Witch from mercury

I read some news articles and realised I had somehow missed the official The Witch from Mercury site announcing that they are going to be releasing a blu-ray disc. If you would like to see the original I found the page here. Note that the original article is in Japanese leading to me using the Google Translate extension in Chrome to auto translate the pages to allow me to browse more easily.

The preliminary release date is March 24, 2023, with a cost of 9,680 yen.

The disc itself should contain approximately 101 minutes of footage, with 96 minutes being the main story and 5 minutes being bonus footage.

The disc is planned to contain the first four episodes of the new show which are:

  • Episode 1 “The Witch and the Bride”
  • Episode 2 “The Cursed Mobile Suit”
  • Episode 3 “Guell’s Pride”
Witch From Mercury
Witch From Mercury

In addition to this it will also have a bonus audio commentary.

The set should also contain the following:

  • Asticasia College introduction leaflet
  • Asticasia College student newspaper
  • End card collection (set of 3 illustration cards from episodes 1 to 3)

There also appear to be a pre-order bonus of an A3 poster of their second teaser visual (that page is linked here). I believe that is available through specific stores which are also listed on the linked page.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Anime Characters


Many people dismiss anime as cartoons. They are often looked down upon, or frowned upon. Why is a grown adult watching this show. Shouldn’t they be watching shows that are more suited to their age!

Well … firstly … there are so so so many things wrong with that way of thinking.

Firstly, I think it is important that we all need to realise that we enjoy different things. Some people like to sit out and listen to the birds, some like to jump out of planes, some like to play chess, and others like to watch anime. We shouldn’t judge others, and we shouldn’t tell them what they should, or shouldn’t be doing with their leisure time for enjoyment. It is like telling someone they are having fun wrong.

Secondly, I think that people are often to quick to dismiss anime. They are often multi layered, with you being able to tune in and enjoy them at whatever level works for you.

Want to watch big robots beat each other up … they have you covered.

Or do you want to watch a yellow octopus teach kids while they try and assassinate him … they have you covered.

Perhaps you want to watch the political manipulations of countries and the impacts those have on individuals … they have you covered.

Maybe you want to watch personal tragedy and heart wrenching life changing personal encounters … they have you covered.

Want to watch something that can leave you pondering the real world and how we constantly feed cycles of X (insert the relative trope there) … they have you covered

But I slightly digress! This is a post about Anime Characters!

So what is it that I love so much about Anime Characters. I think, for me personally, it is the breadth and depth of the characters. They aren’t afraid to show you the good, the bad, the good making bad decisions. You also get to see how these character’s grow.

At the moment I am watching Gundam Seed Destiny on crunchyroll (you can find it here). I find all the characters in the show engaging. There is personal growth, and development for them.

Athrun Zala
Athrun Zala

Athrun is a fantastic example of how the characters develop. Anime shows often take you step by step through the decisions that the characters make. How each decision, made at any given time, gives rise to further consequences, and changes in the characters view on life.

Kira Yamato
Kira Yamato

Kira is another key character in the show. Although he only really starts to come into his own once you are a few episodes in. Watching his actions not always have the effect he wants makes you really engage with the show, and helps to feed into the character development.

As the actions occur, the characters change. Unlike so many bland TV shows where characters suddenly act a given way because it is convenient. In anime shows the character development plays a key part to their success. You see how they made that decision, and why they made that deicsion.

I haven’t finished Gundam Seed Destiny yet, but I am certainly enjoying the ride!

If you have a favourite show or character then please let me know in the comments.

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Bandai Pre-Orders



I have, on a few occasions, gone through my rationale for why I don’t handle pre-orders in the traditional sense. I could easily accept them (technology wise), and take deposits or other money up front. However, I am fundamentally against it. I feel the system does not giving me an ability to give you a realistic, and honest, timeframe.

What is a Pre-Order

For anyone who has never come across the term before here is a brief, and simplified explanation. For our purposes it is probably best to look at two distinct types of pre-order.

The first type is when the item has not yet been released. The supplier allows you to order the model, with the intention of supplying it as soon as it is released.

The second type is a when a supplier doesn’t have a previously released product in stock. You order it from them. They then put in an order with their supplier. The intention is to fulfil the order when it arrives in stock.

The lifecycle of releases

Before we go any further we should look at the life cycle of a product.

Simple Process Overview
Simple Process Overview

If you are interested in generating diagrams simply and easily then have a look at the mermaid live editor available here. It is free and incredibly powerful and simple to use.

First Type of Pre-Order

Ok so the process is simple enough. Bandai announce a new model. Customers put in pre orders with their shop of choice. The shop puts in pre orders with their distributor, and finally the distributor puts in its order with Bandai.

Bandai then does its manufacturing run. However, this is where the process begins to stumble. There is no guarantee that Bandai are going to have capacity to manufacture enough models to cover all of the pre orders. If not enough models are produced to cover the orders then Bandai distributes them using whatever model or technique they do (I have no idea what they use to select which stock goes where in what volume).

The distribution partners then distribute the stock they get to their customers (the shops). Often this is done on a first come first served basis. So the earlier the shop pre-ordered the more likely they are to get the stock they asked for. Finally, the shop then distributes any stock they get (they may get none from this production run) based on whatever methodology they use. I would imagine first come first served again, but I can’t speak from experience on that.

The whole process then repeats with any orders that were not met now top of the “first come first served” list.

Second Type of Pre-Order

The process for this is similar to above. You put in the order with a shop, they put in an order with their distributor, who puts in an order with Bandai. The main difference here is that there is no “release” date for the model so no hard and fast rule for when, or if, Bandai will do a run, or if they will decide to cease production of the model.

So what’s wrong with pre-orders?

There are a few issues, as far as I am concerned, as both a customer and a supplier, with these models.

Firstly Bandai may never re-run the production of the mode. No-one, it would seem, has any visibility outside of Bandai as to the future planned manufacturing schedule. If this were made more readily available then it would at least be a massive step forwards in my opinion.

Secondly, even if Bandai are going to re-manufacture the kit you are after, you have no idea when. It could be next week, next month, or next year. That level of uncertainty just isn’t, in my opinion, the way things should be done.

Finally, even if a manufacturing run is done, due to no visibility on numbers, and distribution, there is no guarantee your going to get your kit. You may have to wait for the next run, or the next, or the next. again, I personally, just don’t think this is the way things should be done.

But if I don’t pre-order I’ll never get one!

That is very true. Given the current system, the only hope of getting what you want is to throw your hat in the ring and hope you get lucky. I fully get why people pre-order. I’m sure I would do the same in that position. It is after all the only option people have had, till now.

So what else can I do?

I setup this company to help people like me, and like you, try and get our hands on the models we want, when we want them, for reasonable prices. The pre-order situation above left me feeling uncomfortable. I decided to implement my “no pre-order pre-order” policy.

In essence, if there is a kit you want, that you just can’t get then let me know. I will find it on the distributors site and confirm the model you are after. I will then put in an order for 1 of the model, and I will make a note of your name, and the model you were interested in.

If/when the model comes in, I will contact you prior to it arriving. All I need to know is would you still like it, yes/no. If the answer is no then I will list it on the site for general sale. If the answer is yes I will put it up with a pin and provide you the pin to access and order the model. There is no pressure, no heavy sales technique. I don’t need to know why the answer is no, I just need to know for how I list it to the site. I don’t take any payment up front, I may never get the model. However, if I do then you get first dibs on it.


Hopefully that is a bit clearer on the pre-order process, how it hangs together and why I view it the way I do. Remember, if you are looking for something just contact me! In fact here is a form to make it even easier!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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ModelKitsLtd Shop and Stock


Happy new year to everyone and welcome to my shop and stock update. I hope last year was filled with plenty of models to build, and I hope that this year brings plenty more models to build!

At I am constantly looking to bring in more stock and broaden the selection of products that we have available in the UK ready to ship.

My next order is due to be delivered by UPS on Wednesday the 4th of January 2023. Some of the items on the list have already been reserved for customers. So for example the Lfrith models I have coming in are already spoken for! However, there are plenty of other models coming into stock. In fact, I have 34 new products coming in!

Lfrith Kneeling
Lfrith Kneeling

If there is anything you are after specifically let me know and we can have a look at what is available and my unique pre-order no pre-order methodology.

If that isn’t enough to whet your appetite I also have the Gunprimer stock I ordered coming in hopefully this week also. You can see the full range of their stock here. If they have something you are interested in that I don’t have in stock please just let me know. I am more than happy to add specific items to my inventory if they are wanted by people. I will do some posts with the products once they are here and I have the opportunity to add them to the store.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Entry Grade (EG) Model Options


I mentioned in my earlier posts that I have a re-stock of some Entry Grade (EG) models coming in. I thought I would go through some of the things that are possible with these models. There are so many model options with these I think they are sometimes overlooked.

Firstly I think for the money they are awesome models. They have less detail than the other grades, but the ease of the snap fit, coupled with the details they do have make them look awesome. They will never reach the heady heights of the detail or joint articulation of the other lines, but they are fantastic standalone models.

Secondly looking at the EG Nu model it already looks like it has stepped out of one of the shows. It could literally have just taken a leap out of the screen and into the room.

Thirdly I love the idea of the EG models for younger builders who, possibly, have a shorter attention span, and who want to see something appear sooner rather than later. I think they would very quickly go from plastic bits on a runner to a model they made themselves that they can be proud of.

Fourthly for those parental figures out there it offers a wonderful opportunity to bond with your young ones, while they are also getting to practice finer motor skills which will be useful in all walks of life.

Fifthly for those who just want them themselves there are so many options available with these models. Take the EG Nu model as a great example.


Starting with the panels, looking at this model it offers ample opportunity to learn scribing. There are large panels all over this piece from the shield to the chest and the front flaps and legs. Even the calf muscles look like they really want you to learn scribing using them!

Panel lining is another effect that you could practice on this model. Although I will admit looking at it, you may want to practice scribing first to add a few more bits to panel line 🙂 However, if you are looking to hone your skills this is a great place to start.

I also think this is a great proving ground for painting, and painting styles. Looking at the chest and hips section I think they are so close to many other models that this provides a perfect generic model to test some paint schemes on. You can also practice shading techniques and blending and all other sorts of effects.

Lighting … well ok I need to see inside one to see how hard, or easy, it would be to light this up; I am thinking primarily on the eyes.

After market panels, and hatches. I think this is also the perfect model to try out some after market hatches and panels.

Now you may be thinking, but if I buy all those things and do all that wouldn’t I be better just buying a more detailed model to start with? I would say do both! Customising the models offers you the opportunity to make something totally unique to you. The panels will be where you want, the lines where you want, it has the chance to be exactly as you picture it in your minds eye.

Now obviously none of those things may appeal to you. However, at the end of the day it is all about doing what you enjoy. This should be a hobby, and be enjoyable. Never let anyone tell you that you are having fun “wrong”. If you want mismatched colours, you go for it. If you want one leg longer than the other, then go for it. Whatever makes you happy with your model is what you should go for. I don’t think it matters whether you customise or not, as long as you enjoy what you are doing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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Christmas Kits 2022 and Toys


Christmas has been and gone. Hopefully people got kits, toys, and modelling supplies. I know there is nothing quite like making sure your backlog has some height to it!

If you haven’t got anything over the last week fear not! I have plenty of kits in stock with more coming and being listed from Friday. As well as that I will be hopefully getting more in January so stay tuned to see what I get from that list!

If you haven’t been to the shop have a look, you can get there here. There are some really nice kits in stock, and some nice kits coming in.

I have also had the update from Gunprimer that my package has been posted and I believe is currently in flight on the way to me! If you missed that post I did a quick mention on it here. I am super excited to get those in as they work amazing, and look amazing.

As well as some Real Grade (RG) kits coming in, I also have a restock of Entry Grade kits which are awesome for so many reasons, from their price point, to what you can do with them on the customisation front.


The above model for example is an Entry Grade Nu figure originally released in 2022. You can see more about it on the Bandai Spirits page here. This would be a perfect model to practice your weathering or battle damage techniques on. I also think you would be able to test out making your own templates to replace the shoulder and shield stickers with something painted directly on to blend better with the model.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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