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The Witch From Mercury – Darilbalde


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The fourth suit I felt I should cover is the Darilbalde. In the Witch from Mercury this suit is manufactured by the Jeturk company.

You get a great view of this suit during a duel in the show (I am deliberately avoiding spoilers). The suit has an integrated AI which plays a big part in the development of that suits technology.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently March 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

I love the solid look of this suit. The large calf like sections and the whole bearing of this model make it look/feel beefy. I am not 100% sure on the shoulders, but it does provide a very distinctive look. The head/helmet piece is also very distinctive with the arch piece at the back. I also note that the feet are very much in the current style that seem to be getting designed. This seems to be with a larger heel a gap and then the front of the foot, more like a shoe with a heel. If you want to learn more about this fantastic model/character/suit then please check out this link which has some great information.


I think this has the potential not only to be a very satisfying build, but it would offer an awesome presence on the shelf with other models! Also looking at those images there looks to be plenty of surface area to place decals. All told I think this will be an exciting model when people get it.

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New Stock – 03/12/2022

Due to my awesome sales rep keeping an eye out for me, I have managed to snag a few extra items. This new stock has now been listed on the site and is available immediately.

First up is the HG Brady Phantom 1/72.


This is a great looking model. Why not check it out here on the store for even more pictures!

Next up is the HGUX Guncannon RX-77-2 Revive 1/144.


I have a soft spot for this model. I originally didn’t really like it, but something about it has really grown on me over time. You can check it out, along with the other images here.

Following that we have the Gundam RX-178 MK II Titans 1/144 model.


I love the style on this model and the details on the feet and legs specifically. You can check out some more images of the model in the store here.

Next up on the list of extra models I managed to get hold of is the HGUC Silver Bullet 1/144.


This is another fantastic model. Again the shield legs and torso details all combine to make this a unique looking model. I really like the overall aesthetic of this model. You can find more pictures of this over on the store here.

Finally I also managed to bag an extra couple of MG Gundam Shining 1/100 kits.


For the price point this is an amazing kit. It is an older one, and a couple of the joints have screws to help them tighten. However, from all the reviews I’ve read that doesn’t seem to detract from the build, or the overall model. I think it looks pretty fantastic! You can find that in the store here.

I am hoping that the next Bandai shipment to my supplier will have even more of the new stock that I have on back order. I will keep everyone updated!

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The Witch From Mercury – PHARACT


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The third suit I felt I should cover is the Pharact. In the Witch from Mercury this suit is manufactured by Peil Technologies. Despite the laws/rules against it, they have also implemented the GUND Format in this suit.

When you get to see this suit in battle it is absolutely fantastic. Agile, and with the ability to temporarily disable/stun elements of enemy suits. It is totally different to how the other suits operate.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently March 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

As can be seen in the images above the suit has a quite spindly look, especially around the legs and arms. The boosters/jets on the shoulders add a unique character, and work to complement the otherwise very lithe figure. Even the main gun is long and thin as opposed to some of the more chunky rifles carried by other models. I also like the unique foot style/shape they have given this model. All told I think it looks fantastic and I can’t wait to see peoples builds of them. If you want to learn more about this fantastic model/character/suit then please check out this link which has some great information.


I am really excited to see this kit when it is more readily available. I think the way the model is quite thin looking, it will be interesting to see how it builds for people, and their feedback in the forums.

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The Witch From Mercury – DEMI TRAINER


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The second suit I felt I should cover is the Demi trainer. In the Witch from Mercury these suits are used in training exercises.

You get to see multiple characters piloting these suits. They are solid all rounders which allow both pilots and mechanics the opportunity to work on the basics.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently January 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

As can be seen from the images above, the suit has been designed to reflect its place in the world. It is a utility design, functional, and practical. However, I admit to finding it has quite a basic charm, and in some ways hearkens back to some of the early models along with the chest piece design. All that basic functionality aside, there are little details like the head shape, and the beefier forearms that add real character to the model.


I am really excited to see this kit when it is released. It will be interesting to see if the builds of this model will be as enjoyable as some of the other models. However, looking at the price point of this model I think it could be ripe for people buying multiple copies for customisation and dioramas.

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The Witch From Mercury – Aerial


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The first suit I felt I should cover is the XVX-016 Gundam Aerial. It should be noted that these are referred to in the show as GUND-ARM and are driven using the GUND Format.

The Aerial suit, is piloted by the main protagonist of the show Suletta. It is, in my humble opinion, an absolutely fantastic look suit. I also think it makes an absolutely fantastic model.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently April 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

As can be seen from the images above, a lot of time and care has gone into making this model. I think it is similar enough to other suits to spot it as a Gundam model, but distinctive enough that it stands up in its own right.

As can be seen in the last image “Stance and Shield” the shield splits apart. I absolutely love this, as it is one of the most striking parts of the model in the show (in my opinion). I love the effect in the show, and I am really happy they have replicated it in the model.


I am really excited to see this kit when it is released. It looks absolutely amazing, and if the build is as enjoyable as the show, and just looking at the images, it will be an absolute pleasure to build.

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The Witch From Mercury


The Witch from Mercury is the latest show from Sunrise. Sunrise are a company who make Japanese anime, and are also a subsidiary of Namco Bandai. The production of The Witch from Mercury has been designed with a lot of care to cater to all of the markets the brand now appeals to.

Having not released a mainstream TV show for 7 years, the Witch From Mercury is a beautifully put together piece of entertainment. Interestingly it is the first show to have a female character as the main protagonist.

The Witch From Mercury main promotional image
The Witch From Mercury


For those of us outside of Japan the show has, thankfully, been picked up by crunchyroll. With the episodes released weekly, it is a welcome break from the binge watching box sets we have all gotten used to. I find that with the weekly release schedule there is time for viewers to digest the show, discuss the episodes, with everyone in the same point in the journey.

It should be noted that if you like anime and haven’t checked out crunchyroll you really should, they have a fantastic catalogue of shows to watch.

Where it excels

I think what I am enjoying the most about this show are the various layers that there are too it. Firstly there are regular battles with large mecha suits. Secondly are the political wranglings of the various business factions. Thirdly are the interpersonal interactions of the characters (young and old). Finally are the tensions caused by differing political views.

What I love above all else is that no one theme feels forced or overpowering. They are all, so far, nicely blended together providing a show that you can watch and discuss, or just watch and go .. ooo big mecha suits. You can enjoy and engage with it at whichever level you want to.


In conclusion, I would say if you haven’t watched it, and you like this genre then it really is worth checking out. So far it has been an absolute joy.

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Panel Lining Mistakes

As I continue to build and work on my models I find that sometimes, techniques that I assume will be easy, can in fact be ruined in a multitude of ways! I thought that panel lining would be an easier technique to perfect. How wrong I was!

Not that long ago I was showing off my panel lining. I was so proud of the result I had gotten that it looked like the image below.

Panel Line 4
Panel Line 4

I even gave it its own post here. However, little did I know that there was still a way I could mess this up! So in essence, to protect the work I had done I sprayed it with a top coat. I was devastated when the next morning the ink was all run.

After some productive googling I discovered a few things I may have done wrong.

  • Left too much pen/ink on the model
  • Not heated up the can before spraying the piece
  • Spraying too close to the model

I decided to test all three using a couple of test pieces. I figured as the parts either side of the crotch piece keep coming off anyway they would make fantastic testers!

First I relined them, and then I went through these steps:

  • Remove the excess ink, paying attention to really remove off as much as possible
  • Warmed the can up in my oodie while watching the TV (don’t judge me!)
  • Sprayed the pieces making sure to use small sprays at a much further distance from the parts.

I then left the pieces to dry overnight. The following morning they looked like this:

Panel Line Test
Panel Line Test

As you can see there is still what looks like a little bleeding along the edge but that is only visible when you zoom in. This version was, by far, 1000% times better than my original version.

In conclusion I would say don’t be afraid to practice. You are unlikely to get things perfect first time. If you do, then absolutely awesome. If, like me, you need to work at it. Then don’t worry. Practice, if possibly not going to make perfect, should see improvement.

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RX-78-2 Repair

Some time ago I bought a HG RX-78-2 model to practice a few techniques on.

I wanted to have a look at a few techniques I have seen people working on, and the RX-78-2 is such an iconic suit I couldn’t resist!

Reading the various online posts and seeing peoples customisation’s I decided I wanted to try:

  • Airbrushing
  • Lighting
  • Weathering
  • Diorama

Now in hindsight I should probably have picked one of these and just done that. However, never being one to shy away from a modelling challenge I went for it.


The first thing I did was put the model together to get everything in place before starting to modify the model to fit the lighting into the helmet.

Unfortunately for me I decided to take apart one of the arms while half asleep. Half, asleep me convinced myself that the arm pulled apart .. let me spoil the surprise. The elbow joint does not pull apart unless you break 2 of the pieces.

This then left me in a quandary. My options seemed to be limited to:

  • Buy a replacement for just the elbow pieces
  • Model it as having the arm blown off (sort of intrigued to see how this would play out)
  • Try and buy a replacement runner (only seems available in Japan)
  • Cast myself some replacement parts

After doing this I foolishly convinced myself that casting my own pieces would be the “easiest” option. I think I should lay my cards on the table now. It really really wasn’t.

The first pieces I cast snapped. Now I have to say I think I didn’t mix the milliput for long enough. Today, after deciding to go back and try again, I took two pieces I had cast. One using super fine milliput, and one using brown stuff. After much filing I finally got it to go together. My completed re-assembled arm now looks like this:

As you can see there is still some cleanup needed (on both) and a fresh undercoat before a fresh paint. However the final result seems to work fairly well.

So looking back at this there are a few things I haven’t learnt. The first is to ensure I spend longer mixing the two part epoxy. That seems to make a massive difference. The second is to not rush while trying to file and cleanup the pieces. Finally I have learnt perseverance. I have broken many many many pieces while getting this back together. However, I am happy with the final result.

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RG Zaku II Weapons

In today’s post “RG Zaku II Weapons” I want to show the weapon extras that come with the kit. With a lot of the Bandai kits there are various “extras” that come with the kit. Often these are in the form of weapons that the various models wield in the shows they appear in. In some cases there are even full “weapon” sets produced.

The RG Zaku II kit comes with three iconic weapons for the suit.

The machine gun

Zaku Machine Gun
Zaku Machine Gun

The first weapon is the Machine Gun. I always think this looks like the old tommy guns from the gangster movies. I absolutely love this weapon and it fits together beautifully. The circular magazine on top adds real character, and the piece really does capture the feel of it from the shows.

The Bazooka

RG Zaku II Bazooka
RG Zaku II Bazooka

Secondly is the Bazooka. I think this is another iconic weapon for the Zaku and suits in general. Certainly the early episodes are (if my memory isn’t playing tricks) are festooned with suits pulling out the Bazooka and firing off multiple shots. Again I found this easy to put together, it is a very simple piece, but it captures the feel of the part wonderfully.

The Axe

RG Zaku II Axe
RG Zaku II Axe

Finally we have the axe. Another iconic weapon from the shows. The part that looks like a round ball in the picture half way up the shaft is actually a section that sticks out and clips into the hand for holding the axe. Again this is also a fantastically charismatic piece to go with the model.


That completes my roundup of the weapons that come with the RG Zaku II model.

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New Stock 24th November 2022

While waiting for the big December shipment from Bandai to see if any of my orders are there. I have been fortunate enough to secure some new stock. Only the other day these lovely boxes were delivered:

I always get excited when I get a delivery of new stock like this. Even better the lovely people at Cosmic Group also normally put the kits inside a box, and then put the box, inside another box. Finally when you get the lids open you are greeted by this:

I have to admit to loving unpacking these. Under those kits, there are more kits, and under those, more kits! The only sad thing is that I want to take them all to build myself!

Once I had the order confirmed I started work on adding the items to the store as private, and setting up all the prices and links. That allowed me to pretty much check the stock when it arrived and get the items up and available to you as soon as possible.

All of the items that came in that shipment are on the site, so why not go and have a look at the shop here.

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