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Guess the Model – Part 2 (Building the Head)

I started this new series of guess the model as I enjoyed the last one so much. I am hoping everyone else did too. The original series can be found here. In this part I will be building the head of the model.

As I am sticking to my game rules (build in the order things are in the manual) I have to continue by building the head next. Now I do feel this may be a bit of a giveaway if the torso wasn’t already! However, here are the parts, and assembled head!

As you can see this is just 11 parts and 3 stickers. It is amazing that this few pieces can build up into such a charismatic head.

I’m fairly sure people will know who it is, although people probably guessed from the torso! However I will keep going for anyone who hasn’t and also so people can see him build up.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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