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RG Aile Strike Build Day 11

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Welcome to “RG Aile Strike Build Day 11” where I am building up an RG Aile strike model. If you haven’t read any of the other parts I would recommend going back to the start. You can find that here. In the first post I covered the box, runners and provide the manual.

I am taking my time to ensure I clean up all the marks that can be cleaned up. As with any build like this, if you end up with discolouration or a small white “stress” mark you are likely to need painting to get rid of those. I may have a look at simple quick methods of dealing with those items, especially as I find that it has a habit of happening on the grey pieces. I also accept I may need to work on my cutting style as I’m sure that will contribute to it!

The Process

Unless otherwise noted I followed this process for each piece:

  • Cut off roughly leaving plenty of nub
  • Trim back the nub with my better nippers
  • Apply water to my wet and dry sandpaper and sand the nub marks down
  • Dry the piece
  • Brush it off with the tooth brush to remove any bits
  • Re-apply the matt finish using the Gray Balancer
  • Prep the part with the green side of the White Balancer
  • Shine the part up with the white side of the White Balancer

If after this I wasn’t happy I would repeat the sanding steps down, and keep iterating until I was happy with the finish.

The Parts

I had pre-removed the parts and put them in the small bag. The head consists of 14 parts, some of which are quite small. The really small red pieces I found quite tricky to hold on to and they had a habit of pinging away from me. However, once the cleanup was complete I was, as with the rest of the mode, very happy with the final result. The parts themselves clean up beautifully, and using the GUNPRIMER balancers they look like they were never touched.

Part Build

Side Part Head
Side Part Head

I took this picture part way through building the head. Lots of the pieces layer on top of one another, and I thought this was a great view of the partly built head. I may yet need to dismantle it if I find suitable waterslide decals. I will, however, cross that bridge when I come to it.

The Build So Far

With the head complete, and in place, most of the model is done. I have him currently dabbing while next to Heavyarms and DoubleX. I don’t know why I just did.


So far the build has been extremely satisfying. The only glitches have been user error on my part. The parts clean up really nicely, and you can achieve a really nice finish on the model. I still have the weapons and backpack to build. Once that is done I will top coat, panel line and top coat again. Hopefully I will then be able to take some photos that do the model justice!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!
