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Friday Update 03/03/2023


Friday update 03/03/2023 is, to be fair, a very brief update.

I am just putting in some items that arrived in the week into the shop. I still have 3 RG models to add in (OO Quant, Zaku II MS-06F, and Zaku MS-06S).

There are some new HG models, a MG Deathscythe and some RG models also.

I also have 1 MGEX left in stock. It is £125 + p&p and it is ready to ship … well ok I need to box it, but it is there!

These are, at the moment, pretty hard to get hold of. So I’m not expecting it to stick around very long.

I also have 2 full sets of the AMMO Mig books that are the series aimed at painting mecha. They look absolutely awesome.

If you are into painting your mecha, or want to get into it, they are more than worth a consideration.

That concludes my “Friday update 03/03/2023” update!

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