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Lightening Stock Update 21/02/2023


So this should, again, have been the next step in the Aile Strike build, but I have just sorted my next invoice and wanted to share some details! So instead of that, welcome to “Lightening Stock Update 21/02/2023”!

On the HG side I will have the ChuChu Demi Trainer, the Dilanza Standard, Dom RickDom, G Armour, GM Command Space, GM Sniper II, Gundam Psycho, Guncannon RX-77-2 Revive, and Kampfer.

That is just the HGs that are coming in. As normal as a small company slowly growing I will have limited numbers of items so if there is something there you are interested in then you will want to be on the ball!

I will also have the MG DeathScythe coming in.


Again this is an absolutely awesome looking model. It looks outstanding!

Talking of MG models I will also hopefully have a spare MGEX Strike Freedom looking for a home. So if that is your sort of thing then you may want to get on that one as I’m sure that will go fast.

On the RG side, I will be having the GOD, Exia, RX-78-2, Wing, Wing XXXG-01W EW, OO QANT. Z’Gok Char Custom, Zaku II MS-06F and Zaku MS-06S also coming in.


As always the invoice is paid, I just need it to ship. Now as you all know I tend to have what I lovingly call hit and miss luck with UPS packages coming in to the country. However, I’m going to be hopeful that this is a smooth one and I will be seeing these all very soon!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!
