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Guess The Model Part 5

Bent Leg


Guess The Model Part 5 is the latest instalment in my current model build. As I follow the manual and build it section by section. If you missed them the previous parts are available here:

Today’s Part

Today the manual moved on to the legs. This comes with the foot and ankle.

The Parts

Leg Parts
Leg Parts

As can be seen from the image there are approximately 21 pieces to form the leg. This includes the foot and ankle joint. Cutting the pieces from the runner was, as is normally the case with Bandai models, a simple process. The clean-up on the parts also didn’t take too long to complete. In the image I had partially completed the clean-up, but I still had some work to do.

Assembled Leg

I found building the leg really enjoyable. None of the parts, for me at least, were too small. They also have, as is normally the case with the Bandai kits, really close tolerances, so the pieces fit together snugly. The part that fits onto the outside of the calf adds nice definition to the leg and some extra detail. As you can see from the pictures I was happy with the level of articulation the kit has in the legs. The knee joint bends really well and there is enough movement in the ankle to help make multiple poses stable.


As with the arms, this was a very smooth, and pleasant experience to build the leg. There were no real “challenges” to it. I found myself able to just enjoy the build process, the cutting, cleaning and assembly of the part.

I’m guessing a lot of you will already know what model it is by now! If not feel free to guess away. I will continue on with the build, as step by step I edge it towards completion!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!
