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Advert / Stock 19/02/2023


Welcome to “Advert / Stock 19/02/2023”. A post that does what it says on the tin.

I have had a fairly quiet week this week stock wise, leading to the opportunity to sort some other pieces. I have, however, listed some basic stands for sale. They are £2 each. I will be honest, they make more sense to get with a model so the postage is already covered.

I think they are quite flexible and allow you do do all sorts with your 1/144 scale models. You can find them here.

The look like this.

Gundam Stand
Gundam Stand

Here are a few pictures of one of my models taking advantage of the stand!

Please excuse my photography skills, I am working on it, but I just need some time to sit down and work on it!

I am also continuing to work on my build of the RG Aile Strike. You can buy yours here. So far it is living up to expectations and building beautifully.

I have been looking at some of the Moderoid pre-orders. At the moment the following are on pre-order:

If you would like me to put in a pre-order to see if I can get any of them let me know!

That is is for “Advert / Stock 19/02/2023”, I will update further when I get more updates!

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