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ModelKitsLtd Shop and Stock


Happy new year to everyone and welcome to my shop and stock update. I hope last year was filled with plenty of models to build, and I hope that this year brings plenty more models to build!

At I am constantly looking to bring in more stock and broaden the selection of products that we have available in the UK ready to ship.

My next order is due to be delivered by UPS on Wednesday the 4th of January 2023. Some of the items on the list have already been reserved for customers. So for example the Lfrith models I have coming in are already spoken for! However, there are plenty of other models coming into stock. In fact, I have 34 new products coming in!

Lfrith Kneeling
Lfrith Kneeling

If there is anything you are after specifically let me know and we can have a look at what is available and my unique pre-order no pre-order methodology.

If that isn’t enough to whet your appetite I also have the Gunprimer stock I ordered coming in hopefully this week also. You can see the full range of their stock here. If they have something you are interested in that I don’t have in stock please just let me know. I am more than happy to add specific items to my inventory if they are wanted by people. I will do some posts with the products once they are here and I have the opportunity to add them to the store.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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