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Model Kits Ltd


As you all know, hopefully, this has been an exciting, and frustrating week for me so far.

On one hand my first order of items from GUNPRIMER arrived. All their items look absolutely stunning. The Starter Set (which you can find here), BALANCERS (which you can find here and here), and the RASER PLUS (available here). If you haven’t seen their products or site have a look, you can find it here.


I did a whole post on them when I got them listed on the site which if you want you can read here. Suffice to say I was super happy to get these in and listed on the site. Hopefully you will all find them as awesome as I do!

Now, on the other hand, I am still waiting on my delivery of stock. So far I have been provided dates from the 30th December, 3rd of Jan, 4th of Jan, 5th of Jan, 6th of Jan, and currently it is showing as the 9th of Jan. I am, I admit, very frustrated with this. There are some awesome items in there which I am super excited to get in.

However, all of that is outside of my control! So in the meantime, while we wait for that to arrive. Why don’t you have a look at the shop (here). As well as the GUNPRIMER stuff added this week, there are already some awesome models on there. Why not treat yourself to 1 .. or 2 … or 3 🙂


Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


#gundam #gundammodel #model #kit #gunpla