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Guess The Model Part 4

Assembled Arm Top Down Guess the Model Part 4


Guess The Model Part 4 is the latest instalment in my current model build. As I follow the manual and build it section by section. If you missed them the previous parts are available here:

Today’s Part

With yesterdays part being the right arm, it is probably not a shock that today we have the left arm. This comes with the added bonus of the anchor and launcher.

The Parts

Unassembled Parts Guess the Model Part 4
Unassembled Parts Guess the Model Part 4

I should probably mention the mints are not a mandatory part of the build, but they are certainly acceptable additions. There are twenty individual parts making up the arm. I did find, as with the other arm, that some of them are quite small. However, they all fit together nicely, everything was to the high standard I have come to expect from Bandai.

Assembled Arm

Again I found myself really happy with the level of articulation on the kit. The arms have a great range of motion. I also love the stun anchor which with the added wire, can be used to make an awesome look. As with the rest of the kit I am not going to put the red stickers on it. I am planning on masking off pieces and undercoating and painting the parts that should be red. I am also tempted to add a little white into the mix as well but I haven’t decided yet.


The kit is coming together nicely. If you want a kit that is as satisfying to build as it is simple and relaxing then this is a great option.

I’m guessing a lot of you will already know what model it is by now! If not feel free to guess away. I will continue on with the build, as step by step I edge it towards completion!

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