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Guess the Model – Part 2

Assembled Head


Welcome back to “Guess the Model – Part 2” the second instalment in my latest guess the model series. If you want to catch up Part 1 is here. I did a quick summary of the tools I was using, and then got right on into it!

Todays Part

Todays part is short and sweet. After the Torso, which was a nice simple, and quite cool build, the manual has the head. So without further ado!

The Parts

Head Parts
Head Parts

As you can see the head consists of 7 parts, two of which are quite small indeed. To be fair, it does also have some stickers to go on it. However, I feel I’m going to forgo the stickers in favour of painting some of the bits to give is a slicker finish.

Assembled Head

Assembled Head
Assembled Head

As you can see without the stickers it is a little bland. However, once I add a little paint I’m hoping it will just elevate it that extra bit. This is a mobile suit that took a while to grow on me, but once it did I really wanted the kit. I like the little details on it. The vents etc. on the torso from yesterday, and the antenna being on the side giving the head a distinctive look.


If you think you know what it is then please drop me a comment and let me know. I am happy with how this build is going, and learning a lot on using all my tools to the best of their ability… or the best of my ability at the moment 🙂

That concludes todays “Guess the Model – Part 2”. Tune in tomorrow (hopefully) for the next installment!

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