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Guess the Model – Part 1

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Back by popular demand (by me) is my guess the model series; leading off with Guess the Model – Part 1. This is where I post the build up of a model I am working on. The rules are simple. I have to build the model in the order it is in the manual. So if feet come before heads so be it! Actually I said the “rules” but really that is pretty much the only rule. Please feel free to guess the model and let me know what you think.

The Tools

Tools Image
Tools Image

A quick note on the tools. Firstly that is a bit of cheap sandpaper. I have a load that I won’t want to waste. Once it is all used up I will be using a RASER but I’m not a fan of waste so this gets used first! The toothbrush is because the sandpaper is wet and dry. When I use it I put some water on it and get a watery mixture with a sort of white dust from sanding. The toothbrush is perfect for cleaning that off. On the right are the cheap nippers for cut 1, and the left has the slightly less cheap nippers for cut 2. The GUNPRIMER balancers (you can find the grey here and the white here) are for cleaning up and polishing the plastic. Note I cut a piece off one to get into some smaller nooks and crannies. Finally at the top is the GUNPRIMER brush which I use for cleaning off the balancers after use.

The Pieces

The first section in the manual is the main Torso of the model. Below are the images of those pieces.

As you can see I forgot to cut out that little red piece. Still I got there in the end!

Assembled Pieces

As you can see the Torso is quite distinctive. Note I haven’t put the stickers on, mainly because I think they will cheapen the model. I’m going to have a think and paint a few sections to hopefully really make them pop. Then coat and finally panel line and coat again.


There we have it! Can you tell what model it is from that torso? If you can let me know in the comments.

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