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Anime Worlds

Sword Art Online


Anime worlds. It is, as the title suggests a massive topic. In this article I want to work through what it is I like about anime worlds and why I feel they have so much to offer society as a whole.

What do I like?

Well I could flip that around and say what is there not to like! The joy of anime is that it can cover all areas, and provide such rich environments and worlds. The only limitation is the what the human imagination can come up with. The worlds that are put forward are limitless in their variety and their ingenuity. I love that they often build a whole world for you, with such a level of depth you can truly fall into it.

What do I mean variety?

You want a world where a yellow Octopus is teaching some kids.

Assassination Classroom
Assassination Classroom

Or how about a virtual fantasy based world, where people get to log in and play as if it is real.

Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online

Or how about a world where there are large mechanical suits that are driven by people.

Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam

How about a world where everyone has magic.

Black Clover
Black Clover

The worlds and variations are nearly endless. Space, magic, fantasy, modern day, post apocalyptic. There are worlds in there to suit all manner of styles and preferences.

Why is this good for society?

Society, from a young age, to an old age, likes to classify people into neat boxes. When I was growing up I would have been seen as a nerd, or a geek, or both! Back then that wasn’t a good thing. In more recent years people seem to have come to the realisation that not everyone is the same. I love the breadth and depth of Anime because of the very nature of its diversity. No matter what you like, there is likely something there that appeals to you, that will let you connect or just kick back and enjoy.


I think the worlds, and diversity in anime offer something for everyone. Whether it is a fantasy or a reassurance it doesn’t matter. Find what connects with you and enjoy it!

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