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Anime and Suits


I love both anime and suits. Now I don’t mean bow tie and top hat and tails. I mean great big mechanical suits. When I was but a wee lad, I remember my best friend writing a story about a kid who found this mechanical suit and being able to do stuff. It was brilliant. I think from then onwards I have found a fascination for them.

In my earlier years I liked the mainstream items, so things from well known games publishers and miniature companies. I am fairly sure if you are reading this then you can guess the main manufacturer. I especially liked models in big over powered armour.

Moving on many years I found myself looking at things like Pacific Rim and thinking, those are absolutely amazing. I actually own two Jaegers.

Bracer and Obsidian
Bracer and Obsidian

As a side note (as I am prone to do) I read a few reviews which placed the Obsidian Fury over the Bracer Phoenix. For me, personally, I prefer the Bracer Phoenix by far. I mean just look at that leaping smashing pose!

But that aside I loved the movies and the TV show. I love watching the characters develop, and the massive over sized robots smacking each other around (the fight scenes are normally epic). But then I love being able to build the model. See it take shape piece by piece, and in having the option to add details to them. Then I love the option to customise the models.

After being mildly obsessed with the Jaegers in Pacific Rim I got my first Gundam models. While searching the web I found a model I loved the look of (the RG Freedom). I then did some more searching and in some areas people suggested doing a HG first. So like any good modeller I logged on and bought another model … I mean I had to!


The Double X (above) was an absolute joy to build. There are nub marks and loads of things I would do differently. But I love that model as the first one I ever built.

So why do I love the suits. The different styles, the unique layouts, the armaments are the first items. I love the unique way they are portrayed and the variations available. On the HeavyArms MG kit I love the fact you can pop open the cockpit in the chest and view the pilot. I guess there is still also that inner child in me who loves the idea of piloting such an amazing machine.

So in summary, I love anime for bringing these suits to more popular awareness, and spreading the love. I love the suits for their pure stature. The fun you can have building them, customising them and generally modelling them. Last night before going to bed I put the Double X in the pose above ready for the day Monday. So when I came down I could get to watch him fly 🙂

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