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What Model Grade should I start with?

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What model grade should I start with is often an opening question. As a general rule of thumb as you step up through the grades, they have more parts, they take longer to build, and they are more complex. Roughly speaking from simplest to most complex the grades go as follows.

HG (High Grade)
RG (Real Grade)
MG (Master Grade)
PG (Perfect Grade)
Most common Gundam grades

What is your starting point. What experience do you have?

I have been building war-game models since they were pretty much available. I started with the solid cast lead models, and then the larger multi pieces like dragons etc. As time went on the materials changed but a lot of the techniques remained the same.

As a side note some people refer to sprues but in Gunpla they refer to them as runners. I would describe them both as just a plastic frame with the model parts attached.

generic model sprues or runners
Example sprue/runner

Model Grade for someone with no experience

Ok so you have 0 experience and you are wondering what model grade you should begin with. There are entry grade models available but I will be honest and say I’ve never built one and in most cases it shouldn’t be necessary. I would go for one of the HG kits. There are a huge number so do some research. You want to find one that you like, but that is also not going to have any known issues. My very first build was the GX-9901-DX GUNDAM DOUBLE X Satellite System Loading Mobile Suit. (HG After War – 163). I have just cut out the pieces, sanded them down a bit and clicked them together. I am very happy with how this came out. The instructions were easy to follow (ignore the textual descriptions and use the diagrams).

Model grade for someone with previous model building experience

OK so you are used to building models. That may be planes, boats, or war-games. In essence the methods and techniques are normally fairly transferable. Cut out pieces attach pieces. The big bonus here is that unless you get a very old kit (always double check) you shouldn’t need any glue for a standard build. That means none of those “I can’t detach my thumb and index finger” moments. I would probably still recommend going for a HG model or two to get the feel for the models. I find they are relatively inexpensive compared to the other ranges, and still offer some beautiful looking models with no customisation’s necessary. However based on my massive experience (of 1 and a 1/2 builds so far both HG builds) I would say that if you are competent and confident and want to try something a little more challenging then the RG models shouldn’t be outside of your ability.

Model grade for someone with a lot of model building experience

OK so you are a massively experienced builder. You are looking for a challenge and something that maybe can take centre stage on your display cabinet or shelf. Straight off the bat, as with the other levels of experience, I would say trying a HG model will let you get a feel for whether this is going to be for you or not. However if you are really looking to push yourself then you will want to look at the PG models. Note that you also need deeper pockets for these. Many people build the HG or RG models as well as performing various customisation’s etc to make the builds more challenging, more fun, for themselves, and to stretch themselves and get the end result they are specifically looking for.


Ultimately you get to choose what you are going to go for. Personally I tend to pick models I just like the look of. The newer HG kits still offer decent colour separation, along with decent detail. My second build is taking me forever as I try different customisation techniques. However ultimately whatever you choose as always take your time and enjoy the build.

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Model Types

Mashup of Gundam Logos
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Before going any further I needed to look into what the different types of Gunpla model types there are. I will be honest and there are a LOAD of awesome resources that cover model types out there. For example:

There are sure to be many others but those all cover the basic information and then some. It is worth noting that the types of model get referred to as the model grade. The grade will determine a lot of factors, like the level of detail and how big a hole it is likely to put in your wallet.

If, like me, you prefer to use cheat sheets here is a quick rundown for you.

Model Grades

HGHigh Grade1/144, 1/100Generally seen as the most collectable kits. They are reasonably priced, have a decent level of detail, and on the whole have the largest selection across the range.
MGMaster Grade1/100These tend to have more parts that the HG models with more detail. They also take longer to build.
PGPerfect Grade1/60These are the top tier models. They are big, they have the most detail and will take the longest to build. Some have metal joints, and some have LED lighting.
RGReal Grade1/144Often seen as sitting between HG and MG grades. Advances in technology allowed Bandai to incorporate a lot of the detail and articulation normally only seen in the MG kits into the 1/144 scale RG kits.
SDSuper DeformedN/AAlthough these don’t have a specific scale they are normally short and in a chibi style.
Most common Gundam Grades


I didn’t have a clue what the scale sizes are like, so here is a rough approximation. Individual models may be bigger or smaller but it is a fair guide:

Approximate scale sizes

There are other model types and sizes, so always check the information on the specific model you are looking for.

Telling them apart

Although there are examples below, remember that some of the logos will be slightly different as different product lines can have slightly amended logos to distinguish them.

HG 1/144 should have a HG logo which will look similar to the one below.

Example High Grade Logo

HG 1/100 apparently do not have HG on the box, but they also do not have the MG logo on the box. If in doubt though google to make sure you know what you are getting!

MG 1/100 will have a logo like the one below.

Example Master Grade Logo

PG 1/60 will have a logo similar to the one below.

Example Perfect Grade Logo

RG 1/144 will have a logo similar to the one below.

Example Real Grade Logo

SD may have a logo like the one below (I honestly haven’t looked at them much as they aren’t my primary focus).

Example Super Deformed Logo
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In the beginning


In the beginning Gundam was just something I heard people talk about. They mentioned they were building a “thing”, or maybe even used the term model. I was however none the wiser.

Years later I googled it and found a whole world of mecha, models, movies, and series that I was totally unaware of. Like many people who have been gaming and modelling for many years I was finding myself a little burnt out. Not from gaming, but from painting hordes of the same model in the same pose with the same everything. To date all my most completed units have been painted by my friend Steve.

Upon discovering the Gundam world I wanted to delve deeper into all the aspects of it. This is how I started (rightly or wrongly).

Before we go any further Gunpla = Gundam Plastic Model.

Where I started selecting a Gundam

After reading as many blog posts and sites as I could find, I eventually found a model I really liked the look of. This was the RG (Real Grade) Excitement Embodied number 05 Freedom Gundam. Personally I think it looks absolutely lovely.

It is also still in it’s box (I’ll explain that in a minute).

After ordering I then did even more googling and learnt a little more about the different types and grades of the models. A lot of people recommended going for a HG (High Grade) model for your first build. So I quickly ordered up the HG After War number 163 GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X Satellite System Loading Mobile Suit (pictured below).


The HG Gundam Build

So what would I say about the build; I just followed the pictures and it went together easily enough. The instructions have very clear images that make following along easy. Although most if not all text is in Japanese you can still work it out. Start from box 1 and slowly work your way through. Don’t rush and enjoy the process. In the end it is extremely satisfying and therapeutic.


Have you been modelling for years? If the answer is yes then really the process of putting these together should not be an issue for you.

Have you been modelling for years? If the answer is no then definitely start with the models in the HG line.

No matter which way you go, or what model you choose there is a wealth of information out there. Take your time and just enjoy the process. Most of the items can be deconstructed if needed so don’t worry and just enjoy. After all it is a hobby!

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Introduction to the new Domain ( )

As you may have noticed the old has gone. This is my introduction to the new domain. In essence the domain expired and I was fortunate enough to procure it. I have no idea what was on the domain prior to it expiring. It may have been a shop or information but I just don’t know. However I thought it important to emphasise that I have no connections to anything that has been on this domain previously.

I have been fortunate to be playing games and building models for many years, certainly a lot more than I would like to count. Each post will hopefully add something to the community. It may of course not and be total waffle, but I will try and keep the waffle to useful elements to a nice balance.

If there is anything you would like me to cover, or any feedback then please feel free to contact me, my details can be found here: