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The Witch From Mercury – Darilbalde


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The fourth suit I felt I should cover is the Darilbalde. In the Witch from Mercury this suit is manufactured by the Jeturk company.

You get a great view of this suit during a duel in the show (I am deliberately avoiding spoilers). The suit has an integrated AI which plays a big part in the development of that suits technology.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently March 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

I love the solid look of this suit. The large calf like sections and the whole bearing of this model make it look/feel beefy. I am not 100% sure on the shoulders, but it does provide a very distinctive look. The head/helmet piece is also very distinctive with the arch piece at the back. I also note that the feet are very much in the current style that seem to be getting designed. This seems to be with a larger heel a gap and then the front of the foot, more like a shoe with a heel. If you want to learn more about this fantastic model/character/suit then please check out this link which has some great information.


I think this has the potential not only to be a very satisfying build, but it would offer an awesome presence on the shelf with other models! Also looking at those images there looks to be plenty of surface area to place decals. All told I think this will be an exciting model when people get it.

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