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Guess the model Part X

Good morning, afternoon or whenever you read this and welcome to Guess the model Part X! Today was going to be a post in the series of guess the model. I was intending on building, and photographing the legs, or at least one. However, life has conspired against me! This is what has led to the Part X title.

So a little background. My lovely Basset hounds are both getting on in age. They have both, unfortunately as they got older become liable to seizures. This can happen with the breed and in itself isn’t the end of the world. However, the most recent to go onto his meds has unfortunately also developed a Scooby Doo esque style of the munchies. This morning my wife woke me to the fact he had chewed and eaten the top part of a plastic milk carton.

So while she rang the vets I diligently searched for “bits” he may have chewed but not eaten. The vets being wonderful are seeing him pretty much straight away. I managed to find some bits of carton not eaten, but also some parts of a soft cheese container that had also formed part of this 2 course meal. Note I found the parts in the dog bed in the conservatory which is where he goes to nom things he knows he shouldn’t!

This is the culprit the other day while we were watching tv:


Ok so vets lined up, dog in boot what could go wrong … oh the car wouldn’t start dead battery 🙁 So a quick call to the vets to let them know we are running late. A call to my dad requesting a wife and dog lift to the vets, and then on to dig out the battery charger.

The ONLY thing that went right in that scenario is I actually knew where the battery charger is!

I now have a cup of tea and am awaiting what I am sure will be an eye watering bill to make sure el wonky tooth there is ok.

So … that and the fact that Sunday night to Monday morning I had a 12 hour nose bleed … yes you read that right 12 hours! I am, unfortunately a little behind on where I planned to be. I shall do my best to catch up and get back ahead of the game! In the meantime though I’ll need to put in some less expansive posts 🙂

Take care everyone and I will catch up as quickly as I can!

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