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Model Building – Nubs


In this piece I will go over the basics of what to do once you have got the parts off the sprue. Note this is very basic and very much from my point of view. I am totally open to any feedback and suggestions that people may have on either improving this technique or any other techniques.

What is a nub?

I think that is a valid question, so thank you for asking! If you are new to the hobby or to model building in general a nub is a small piece of plastic/resin/material that is left attached to the part, after you have cut it free from the runner/sprue. So for example if you have a look at the following image:

Bazooka with Nub
Bazooka with Nub

The above image is the MS-06F ZAKU II bazooka. As you can see near the end there is a piece piece jutting out from the main barrel of the weapon. Generally speaking to remove the part from the runner you would make a cut in the piece connecting the part to the runner but not to close to the part. This should minimise plastic stress. You then trim this with either a second cut, and/or trim with a hobby knife. Finally you can optionally file with some form of sandpaper or sanding stick (like these in our store).

Post sanding

After the clean-up the art will look similar to this:

Bazooka Cleaned Nub 1
Bazooka Cleaned Nub 1

After I had done my first round of cleaning up the nub there was a small dark patch. I wasn’t happy with this so I went in for a second round of sanding. I tend to use a combination of 600 grit sandpaper and 2500 grit sandpaper, predominantly because I already had it to hand. After the second clean-up the bazooka was looking like this:

Bazooka Cleaned Nub 2
Bazooka Cleaned Nub 2

Now the dark spot on the end was nicely cleaned away. However the beautiful sheen the rest of the Bazooka has was removed. At this point I decided to give it a VERY basic paint job.


I am fortunate enough to have an airbrush that I keep to hand. So I gave it a quick undercoat of Vallejo Mecha Grey Primer. I then gave it a quick cover with Vallejo Mecha Gunmetal. I then covered the dips and pieces with some Vallejo Mecha Black Wash. Once this was done it looked like this … (yes very messy but I was speeding through it).

I then worked over it doing a dry brush of the gunmetal again to clean up the over spill.


After all of this work my “nub” spot now looks like this:

Bazooka Post Cleanup
Bazooka Post Clean-up

All told I am very happy with the end result! It now looks smooth and seamless and clean. I would like to do another and distress it, add chipping and soot and mud and dirt etc. However, for now I am very happy with the end result.

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Broken Part – Pinning


I will be honest. I wasn’t expecting to be posting about my ZAKU II any time soon. I have been doing some work to finish it off. Again, in my hamfisted manner I managed to break a part. I have no idea what was going through my head. However, I did thankfully have the presence of mind to not panic. The part pictured below should not come away from the model. Note this was by no means a fault with the model, and totally a user headspace error.

Broken leg part
Broken leg part

What to do?

I decided that probably the best way to try and repair this would be to pin the piece. For anyone who does not know here is my understanding of pinning. Other people may have different definitions but this is what I am going for. In essence you drill a small hole in your piece that has come off, and into where you want to mount it. You then trim a pin to size and glue it all back together. The pin helps to take the load and strengthen the join.


Thankfully I have the four things I needed to hand. A small drill, a pin, some nippers and some glue.

As you can see I used a good old pair of nippers so as to not ruin the good pair I have. I find it is always handy to have a slightly older pair around for just these occasions. I don’t have a photo of the glue but for reference I was using Gorilla clear glue.


  • Drill a hole through the broken off piece.
  • Align the broken piece with the model with the drill bit still in. Then continue to drill so the lines are aligned. (Be careful not to drill too far and go all the way through!
  • Using the nippers trim the pin to size.
  • Glue the pin into the model.
  • Once dry, add more glue to the pin and push the broken piece into place.

The last pieces (gluing the pin in and into place) can be done all the same time if you prefer.

Then leave your glue to cure and away you go.


Every time I do something like this I promise myself to be more careful next time. However, it was a useful opportunity to remind myself that pinning can be an invaluable technique in repairing a model, or in helping joints or pieces that join together with quite a small surface/join area.

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The Witch From Mercury – Darilbalde


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The fourth suit I felt I should cover is the Darilbalde. In the Witch from Mercury this suit is manufactured by the Jeturk company.

You get a great view of this suit during a duel in the show (I am deliberately avoiding spoilers). The suit has an integrated AI which plays a big part in the development of that suits technology.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently March 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

I love the solid look of this suit. The large calf like sections and the whole bearing of this model make it look/feel beefy. I am not 100% sure on the shoulders, but it does provide a very distinctive look. The head/helmet piece is also very distinctive with the arch piece at the back. I also note that the feet are very much in the current style that seem to be getting designed. This seems to be with a larger heel a gap and then the front of the foot, more like a shoe with a heel. If you want to learn more about this fantastic model/character/suit then please check out this link which has some great information.


I think this has the potential not only to be a very satisfying build, but it would offer an awesome presence on the shelf with other models! Also looking at those images there looks to be plenty of surface area to place decals. All told I think this will be an exciting model when people get it.

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New Stock – 03/12/2022

Due to my awesome sales rep keeping an eye out for me, I have managed to snag a few extra items. This new stock has now been listed on the site and is available immediately.

First up is the HG Brady Phantom 1/72.


This is a great looking model. Why not check it out here on the store for even more pictures!

Next up is the HGUX Guncannon RX-77-2 Revive 1/144.


I have a soft spot for this model. I originally didn’t really like it, but something about it has really grown on me over time. You can check it out, along with the other images here.

Following that we have the Gundam RX-178 MK II Titans 1/144 model.


I love the style on this model and the details on the feet and legs specifically. You can check out some more images of the model in the store here.

Next up on the list of extra models I managed to get hold of is the HGUC Silver Bullet 1/144.


This is another fantastic model. Again the shield legs and torso details all combine to make this a unique looking model. I really like the overall aesthetic of this model. You can find more pictures of this over on the store here.

Finally I also managed to bag an extra couple of MG Gundam Shining 1/100 kits.


For the price point this is an amazing kit. It is an older one, and a couple of the joints have screws to help them tighten. However, from all the reviews I’ve read that doesn’t seem to detract from the build, or the overall model. I think it looks pretty fantastic! You can find that in the store here.

I am hoping that the next Bandai shipment to my supplier will have even more of the new stock that I have on back order. I will keep everyone updated!

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The Witch From Mercury – PHARACT


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The third suit I felt I should cover is the Pharact. In the Witch from Mercury this suit is manufactured by Peil Technologies. Despite the laws/rules against it, they have also implemented the GUND Format in this suit.

When you get to see this suit in battle it is absolutely fantastic. Agile, and with the ability to temporarily disable/stun elements of enemy suits. It is totally different to how the other suits operate.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently March 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

As can be seen in the images above the suit has a quite spindly look, especially around the legs and arms. The boosters/jets on the shoulders add a unique character, and work to complement the otherwise very lithe figure. Even the main gun is long and thin as opposed to some of the more chunky rifles carried by other models. I also like the unique foot style/shape they have given this model. All told I think it looks fantastic and I can’t wait to see peoples builds of them. If you want to learn more about this fantastic model/character/suit then please check out this link which has some great information.


I am really excited to see this kit when it is more readily available. I think the way the model is quite thin looking, it will be interesting to see how it builds for people, and their feedback in the forums.

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The Witch From Mercury – DEMI TRAINER


With the release of the Witch from Mercury, as you would expect Bandai are also releasing new model kits. These kits both support, and complement the show.

The second suit I felt I should cover is the Demi trainer. In the Witch from Mercury these suits are used in training exercises.

You get to see multiple characters piloting these suits. They are solid all rounders which allow both pilots and mechanics the opportunity to work on the basics.


The current estimates delivery date in Europe is currently January 2023. However, I would imagine there is some leeway on this. Firstly the actual shipment needs to come in, and with the current global challenges in shipping etc, the date may well be subject to change.

The Model

As can be seen from the images above, the suit has been designed to reflect its place in the world. It is a utility design, functional, and practical. However, I admit to finding it has quite a basic charm, and in some ways hearkens back to some of the early models along with the chest piece design. All that basic functionality aside, there are little details like the head shape, and the beefier forearms that add real character to the model.


I am really excited to see this kit when it is released. It will be interesting to see if the builds of this model will be as enjoyable as some of the other models. However, looking at the price point of this model I think it could be ripe for people buying multiple copies for customisation and dioramas.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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