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Guess the Model – Part 1


That is right. I enjoyed the last guess the model (I hope you did too) so much I thought I would do it again. For anyone new the format is quite simple. I follow the build manual for a model, in the order it is in the manual, and try, each day, to do an update with one of the sections. Normally this is something like:

  • Foot 1
  • Foot 2
  • Arm 1
  • Arm 2
  • Torso
  • Head
  • Pelvis
  • Weapons

Now you will be glad to hear that this one is following a slightly different format. For a start it begins with:

  • Torso
  • Head

So to be honest you will likely get it quickly. Although to be fair the number of people who got the Zaku II off the feet was pretty impressive! The original series of posts can be found here. You can also read up more about these suits over at


Above are the build pictures from this stage. As you can see I removed sets of pieces from the runners and then put them together. The pieces I assumed were going on the inside got less “clean-up” than the pieces that were obviously on the outside. This method has however left me with some extra clean-up to do later.

Spot the mistake

Eagle eyed viewers will notice that the left top blue “stripe” ends a little early. That would be because looking at the piece it looked like the end should be tripped for it to fit. However, when I came to the second one I realised you could slide it into place. Lesson learnt! If you get to build this kit then those blue pieces slide in tip first!


So that is todays clue. Let me know if you think you know what the model is!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


#gundam #gundammodel #model #kit #gunpla

3 thoughts on “Guess the Model – Part 1

  1. […] case you missed the previous parts you can catch up here and here. The rules are simple. I build the model in the stages, based on the order in the manual. […]

  2. […] the guess the model is going to cover the hips. If you haven’t seen the other parts it starts here. To quickly summarise for anyone just joining the […]

  3. […] – The Legs. If you haven’t seen the rest of the series then the first post can be found here. The premise is simple. I grab a model from my backlog. Each day (or each post at least) I build […]

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