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Guess the Model Part 6 – Final Core Parts

In this series I have building another of my backlog items, and posting up the bits as they come together. If you want to work through from the beginning then you can find the first post here. In this post I’ll be putting together the final core parts.

The rules to the game are pretty simple. I have to build the model in the order that the manual has. That means no deliberately building obscure items first. I am also trying to ensure I post pictures of the parts as they have come off the sprue/runner as well, that way you can see the bits that make it all up.

Here are the final core parts images.

And there we have it. As you can see he is the MG Heavy Arms. An absolute beast of a model, and a very eye opening build. I do still need to put together the weapons which I am hoping to get done over Christmas.

Now to decide whether to do the decals and panel lining on him! Thank you everyone for coming on this journey with me!

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