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Christmas Kits 2022 and Toys


Christmas has been and gone. Hopefully people got kits, toys, and modelling supplies. I know there is nothing quite like making sure your backlog has some height to it!

If you haven’t got anything over the last week fear not! I have plenty of kits in stock with more coming and being listed from Friday. As well as that I will be hopefully getting more in January so stay tuned to see what I get from that list!

If you haven’t been to the shop have a look, you can get there here. There are some really nice kits in stock, and some nice kits coming in.

I have also had the update from Gunprimer that my package has been posted and I believe is currently in flight on the way to me! If you missed that post I did a quick mention on it here. I am super excited to get those in as they work amazing, and look amazing.

As well as some Real Grade (RG) kits coming in, I also have a restock of Entry Grade kits which are awesome for so many reasons, from their price point, to what you can do with them on the customisation front.


The above model for example is an Entry Grade Nu figure originally released in 2022. You can see more about it on the Bandai Spirits page here. This would be a perfect model to practice your weathering or battle damage techniques on. I also think you would be able to test out making your own templates to replace the shoulder and shield stickers with something painted directly on to blend better with the model.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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