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The Witch From Mercury


The Witch from Mercury is the latest show from Sunrise. Sunrise are a company who make Japanese anime, and are also a subsidiary of Namco Bandai. The production of The Witch from Mercury has been designed with a lot of care to cater to all of the markets the brand now appeals to.

Having not released a mainstream TV show for 7 years, the Witch From Mercury is a beautifully put together piece of entertainment. Interestingly it is the first show to have a female character as the main protagonist.

The Witch From Mercury main promotional image
The Witch From Mercury


For those of us outside of Japan the show has, thankfully, been picked up by crunchyroll. With the episodes released weekly, it is a welcome break from the binge watching box sets we have all gotten used to. I find that with the weekly release schedule there is time for viewers to digest the show, discuss the episodes, with everyone in the same point in the journey.

It should be noted that if you like anime and haven’t checked out crunchyroll you really should, they have a fantastic catalogue of shows to watch.

Where it excels

I think what I am enjoying the most about this show are the various layers that there are too it. Firstly there are regular battles with large mecha suits. Secondly are the political wranglings of the various business factions. Thirdly are the interpersonal interactions of the characters (young and old). Finally are the tensions caused by differing political views.

What I love above all else is that no one theme feels forced or overpowering. They are all, so far, nicely blended together providing a show that you can watch and discuss, or just watch and go .. ooo big mecha suits. You can enjoy and engage with it at whichever level you want to.


In conclusion, I would say if you haven’t watched it, and you like this genre then it really is worth checking out. So far it has been an absolute joy.

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