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RG MS-06F Zaku II Panel Lining

This article “RG MS-06F Zaku II Panel Lining” is going to cover my initial steps into panel lining. The models, in my opinion, look fantastic just put together. However, amongst the other options available, is one called panel lining.

In essence this is applying colour (often black) to the parts of the model that have been scribed out (lines cut into them).

Although some people also scribe their own patterns into the models. This is just my very basic take on getting the most out of it, without moving into the world of customisation’s. I decided to have a go at panel lining the RG MS-06F Zaku II to see how it would come out.

Guess the Model Part 2 Leg 1
Leg Side

In the image above the scribed lines, which you can only see indistinctly, form patterns on the armour. Below are a couple of images of one of the legs after panel lining.

As can be seen from the pictures above the lines are far more prominent giving a lot more definition to the model. If nothing else, panel lining adds a whole new dimension to the model, and it, in its own way quite enjoyable to complete. Especially wheny ou see the finished article!

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