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Panel Lining Mistakes

As I continue to build and work on my models I find that sometimes, techniques that I assume will be easy, can in fact be ruined in a multitude of ways! I thought that panel lining would be an easier technique to perfect. How wrong I was!

Not that long ago I was showing off my panel lining. I was so proud of the result I had gotten that it looked like the image below.

Panel Line 4
Panel Line 4

I even gave it its own post here. However, little did I know that there was still a way I could mess this up! So in essence, to protect the work I had done I sprayed it with a top coat. I was devastated when the next morning the ink was all run.

After some productive googling I discovered a few things I may have done wrong.

  • Left too much pen/ink on the model
  • Not heated up the can before spraying the piece
  • Spraying too close to the model

I decided to test all three using a couple of test pieces. I figured as the parts either side of the crotch piece keep coming off anyway they would make fantastic testers!

First I relined them, and then I went through these steps:

  • Remove the excess ink, paying attention to really remove off as much as possible
  • Warmed the can up in my oodie while watching the TV (don’t judge me!)
  • Sprayed the pieces making sure to use small sprays at a much further distance from the parts.

I then left the pieces to dry overnight. The following morning they looked like this:

Panel Line Test
Panel Line Test

As you can see there is still what looks like a little bleeding along the edge but that is only visible when you zoom in. This version was, by far, 1000% times better than my original version.

In conclusion I would say don’t be afraid to practice. You are unlikely to get things perfect first time. If you do, then absolutely awesome. If, like me, you need to work at it. Then don’t worry. Practice, if possibly not going to make perfect, should see improvement.

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